Used Karma

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Ravi was in the screening room watching some horror movie, Luke and I decided to play a little prank on him, we both wore black cloaks that covered us head to toe, he had a skeleton hand hanging out of his arm sleeve

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Ravi was in the screening room watching some horror movie, Luke and I decided to play a little prank on him, we both wore black cloaks that covered us head to toe, he had a skeleton hand hanging out of his arm sleeve. I decided to go more Grim Reaper type and held a scythe. The woman on TV screamed making Ravi jump.

"Don't be scared." He comforted Mr. Kipling, patting his paw. "It's only a movie." Luke and I decided it was go time. Luke crept towards Ravi from the front while I went behind him. "A very realistic movie! This 3-D is amazing! I feel as though I could reach out and touch it." True to his word Ravi reached and touched Luke's fake hand. Ravi let out a little shriek when he touched the hand. "Now it is reaching out to touch me." Luke put the two skeleton fingers inside Ravi's nose making Ravi scream. He screamed again when the hand fell off.

Ravi tossed the popcorn he was eating on the chair and bolted. I reached out my scythe and grabbed him by the waist. Using my 'demon voice' as Luke and Zuri call it, I whispered softly towards him, "Gotcha." Ravi struggled and finally got free, screaming bloody murder the entire time. When he left Luke and I ditched our robes and finally let out the repressed laughs we were holding in. "Did you hear how he screamed?" I laughed even more.

"Bertram! Evil spirits walk among us!" We heard Ravi exclaim before walking out of the screening room laughing. Bertram pushed Ravi off him while saying "You got the evil part right."

"That was awesome." I giggled high fiving Luke.

"You screamed like a little girl." Luke agreed.

"I did not! I screamed like a big tough girl." Ravi defended. "And you certainly did not scare my fearless friend Mr. Kipling." Ravi crosses his arms and glared at us. Just then, Mr. Kipling tore out of the screening room and left in the elevator using his tail. "You reptilian wimp!"


Later on, I was eating an apple pie when someone knocked on the kitchen door. I sighed dramatically and went to answer it as Bertram, Jessie, and Emma walked into the kitchen.

"What up, Penthouse!" Tony yelled after I opened the door.

"Yes, Tony, just walk right in. Carrying a basket. It's not like I invited you in or anything." I quipped sarcastically, shutting the door behind him.

"What's up Tony." Jessie greeted back enthusiastically.

"Hey, Jessie, I brought you a "Welcome to New York 'fuggeda-basket.'"

I gave Tony a confused look, "A what?" I asked. They ignored me.

"Aw, thanks, Tony!" Jessie put the basket on the chair I was just occupying and started going through it. "New York subway maps, Metro cards, and... pepper spray? Is this in case I'm a victim of a-salt?" Both Jessie and Tony started laughing. I walked over to Emma.

"I don't think that's supposed to be a laughing matter."

"Shhh, they're flirting." Emma hushed me in a awed tone.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2020 ⏰

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