We walked into the bopping house at 1:15AM, and the party was still going strong.

"You guys really know how to party," I chuckled as Liam held the front door open for me. The entryway was well lit, and only two people were there sitting on the steps.

"LIAM!" Josh jumped down three steps. "How are you?" He dirty blonde haired boy pulled Liam into a hug. "And Miss Charlotte," he released Liam and pulled me towards him. "It's been far too long."

"Hey Josh," I hugged him back.

"So the party is just getting started...." He paused and glanced behind him. "But before you run off, let me introduce you to my girlfriend." He drew out the world girlfriend proudly. "This is Christina." The brown haired girl smiled at us with a shy wave.


Liam and I said hello and that it was nice to meet her. After striking up a short conversation with the two, we decided to move on and leave the couple alone. Arm in arm, Liam and I made our way towards the rest of the people, following the beat of the music.

We entered a large room that was light my flashing lights. A stereo was at the far end hooked up to giant floor speakers. The area was packed tightly with people, but still enough room to move about.

"Charlotte?" I first heard my name in a gasp. Once one person saw me, everyone seemed to see me. Hushed whispers set across the group of people gasping mine and Liam's name.

Non other than Harry took the initiative of calling us out.

"CHARRRRRRRRR!" he hopped over to us pulling me instantly into a hug. His curls brushed my face. "Did you guys make up and make out?"

Liam punched Harry, pulling him away from me.

"So that's a yes," Louis smirked. I hadn't noticed him and Lauren walk up beside us.

"Everything is good then?" Lauren asked.

I nodded, "And look at you two!" I snorted at Louis' hand around Lauren's waist. "All is good in paradise?"
"They are so incredibly clingy and coupley!" Harry moaned. "It's sickening."

"Harry Styles, you don't have a romantic bone in your body!" Zayn smacked him in the back of the head. He turned towards me and winked. "Good to see you again."

"Hi Zayn," I smiled.

Marisa came and gave me a hug followed by Amalia.

"Leaves the best for last!" I turned around to see Niall standing there with open arms. I graciously walked into them. Everything felt right.

"LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!" Marisa pumped her arms in the air.

"Shall we?" Liam offered me his hand pulling me towards the center of the dance floor. Even though I knew a lot of eyes were on me, I could only concentrate on the boy standing in front of me.

The music, the yelling, the bopping bodies slowed as Ed Sheeran claimed the room. Liam pulled me to him, slipping his hands low on my waist, I knotted my own around his neck keeping us close.

I'm gonna pick up the pieces,

And build a Lego house

If things go wrong we can knock it down

A World of Differences [1DFF]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن