"Everything?" I broke. He knew what I meant.

"Everything Lauren. He deserves to know what you went through and why things unfolded the way they did. I would have told you to tell him sooner, but right now he's just a big of a mess as you are."

I folded my arms across my chest trying to keep warm. The show was rapidly approaching. One hour before they opened the gates. I could hear the fans gathering, more and more by the minute. I didn't have much time.

"I don't know if I can do it," my voice faltered.

Liam leaned forward, resting his arm on my shoulders he whispered in my ear, "You do what you want, but don't not do something and regret it."

His breath sent shivers down my spine.

He leaped off the ground before helping me up and pulling me into a hug.

His arms tighten around me and I felt safe. Liam and I were safe with each other –we had been safe with each other before, but safe wasn't what we needed.

"You'll be fine," he whispered against my cheek. "He doesn't want to stay mad at you. I can tell it's killing him. He just needs to realize what's been going on. He really does love you Lo. Even though he might not deserve it, give him one more chance.

One more chance. I had to try and explain things to him one more time, and I needed him to listen. I needed him to.

About Six Months Earlier (Lauren's POV)

"Hey Ruth, will you take a picture of us?" Liam handed his older sister the camera. We had to hide our relationship around ninety-nine percent of people, but the certain few we didn't have to hide in front of, we didn't.

Ruth took the camera from her brother while pointing a finger inside her mouth and making a gagging noise.

Liam and I both chuckled.

He came and sat next to me, our legs tangled together. He pressed his cheek into mine. I felt his cheek flex as he smiled.

The camera clicked and Ruth held it in front of her to examine the results. "Nice. Now take a cute one," she held the camera back towards her face. "No one has to see it but me and you two."

Liam looked at me and smiled. He lifted my chin and with his finger and pressed his lips to mine.

I heard the camera click but I was too distracted by the fire that was pulsing through my veins.

"Cute. I'll take the camera in and leave you two alone," Ruth said to no one in particular, because Liam and I weren't listening.

I giggled as Liam flipped me over onto the grass. His hands rested on either side of my face as he smirked down at me.

"You have really pretty eyes," he kissed my forehead between my eyes.

"I hate my eyes," I whispered. "They aren't pretty like blue and green eyes are."

"You're right," his kisses started trailing down my jaw line. "They are pretty –like hazel eyes." I laughed at his ridiculous reasoning, but the chuckles got caught in the back of my throat as I was cut off my Liam's lips slicing mine.

I moaned softly as his tongue traced the crease where my lips met. I opened my mouth a little wider giving him access. I reached my hands up and snaked them behind his back. I bent my arms slightly, willing his body to fall on top of mine. The added pressure made us both sigh.

A World of Differences [1DFF]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora