My first day back home was the night of the first tour date. The show was scheduled to be broadcast on ITV2 so the pressure to be perfect was on. I entered the studio with my tote bag heaved on my shoulder and opened the heavy metal door. I made my way backstage.

"Hey mom," I greeted her.

"Hey sweetie," she placed a kiss on my forehead and handed me a piece of paper.

"They just finished sound check. Triple check Louis' outfits please. Go." She demanded.

My heart sunk, "Mom he won't talk to me."

"Well Lauren, maybe you should talk to him first. The whole thing obviously ticked him off, so go and ask him why for god's sake! However, if you aren't man enough to do that, then keep it strictly professional. I don't care. But GO!" She shooed me out the door.

I took a deep breath and made my way on stage.

"LAUREN!!" Harry danced onto stage and engulfed me into a giant hug. "How are you?!" I was so glad that Harry wasn't upset with me.

"Hey Haz," I pressed my cheek into his shoulder. "How did sound check go?"

"Just swell," he grinned cheekily. "And how was your trip?"

I grinned, "It was fun. My cousins are freaks."

"Oh I remember," he agreed with me. "So what are you here for?"

"I was given a specific job."

"Is it top secret?"
"If it were top secret then I wouldn't have told you I had a job would I?"

"Mmm, good point," he tapped his chin.

"Actually I need Louis. Where is he?"

Harry's face hardened as he pointed below stage to the stands. At the mention of his name, Louis had turned towards us. His eyes were cold. They were never cold, but this time they were.

I smiled at him weakly waving the piece of paper in front of me. He knew what it was for. He followed me backstage, but he didn't say a word.

I was busy writing in my notebook, so I didn't seem him change. The next second I looked up, he was standing immensely close to me. He spun in a little circle with a cocky grin on his face as if to say I look good, don't I. I smiled back at him, happy that he was expressing an emotion to me other than anger. But, the second I smiled back, his expression returned to its previous state.

My eyes scanned over him, making sure everything was in place.

"Check," I said as I placed a check mark on my paper. "Next!"
We spent ten minutes going through his outfits. He was so slow; it took him forever to change from one outfit to the next.

Finally, fifteen minutes after we had started –it should not have taken more than five –we were to his last outfit.

He slid skinny dark wash jeans and a white t-shirt.

"This maybe the only time I've ever seen you in a solid colored shirt," I joked as he spun before me.

"Say what you like, but my striped shirts are adorable!" His voice had no inflection.
"Yeah, huh," I said half-way listening to him. "Stop. Turn back around. Why is there a whole in your shirt?"

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