"Thanks." She put her towel on the ground. "It smells like you," she smiled softly.

"Is that a bad thing?"

"No. It smells like you, and I love you. So therefore I guess I love your smell, too."

I laughed, "Love you too, Lo."

Lo was the nickname I had given her long, long ago. When we were really little, we used to put on shows for our parents called the Lo-Lo show. We used to get in trouble for leaving out Amalia. We told her that because she didn't have the same nickname as us she couldn't be in it. I had called Lauren, Lo, for fourteen years and I wasn't about to stop.

She turned her back to me as she took off her soaking grey t-shirt revealing a black sports bra. She was way too comfortable in front of me, but I didn't really care. I turned my attention to my phone after I realized I was staring at her.

I let my head sink back into the pillows and thumbed through the Twitter feed on my phone.

"So what's the plan for this weekend?" She asked making her way up the bed. She lay down next to me; her body heat radiating off my own.

"I'm sure Harry has a wild plan."

She laughed. "Doesn't he always?"

My hands rested above my head. Lauren flipped herself over and grabbed my phone off my stomach.

"What is the wonderful Twitter world saying about the amazing Louis Tomlinson today?" She always mocked me when I went through my mentions. The majority of them were date offers and marriage proposals.

"This girl wants to know if you want to marry her in the bottom of the sea," Lauren grinned.

"Don't! Lauren please!" I begged.

"Too late." She smiled her wicked grin as she held the bright screen in front of my eyes. "You are marrying @tiffanyosorio tomorrow at nine seventeen. I hope I'll be invited."

"You little...." I shook my head at her.

"Uh-uh-uh," she shook her head back. "You just said you loved me. Don't forget that."

"I take it back. I hate you."

"Liar," she spat.

"I know, I know. You're right."

She was right. I could never hate Lauren. She was the only person that I never got mad at. It was simply impossible. She was just like me, or so everyone said. She was always smiling, always laughing, and always up for a joke. Give her a bottle of Mountain Dew and she can sit on the floor and simply laugh at nothing for hours. We always teased her that we couldn't imagine what would happen when she was legally allowed to drink, because she was that person that could potentially get high off air.

The fact that she was close with me and Harry only added to her insanity. The three of us could come up with some purely idiotic stuff. The fact that she never shied away from a challenge or never backed down from one of Harry's potentially illegal schemes made me love her even more. The four year age difference felt like four minutes instead. She truly is the greatest friend anyone could ask for.

"Louis?" she interrupted my thoughts.

"Yes, love?"

"Tomorrow after you marry Tiffany, you have a date." She winked.

"A date with whom?" I asked

She held the phone in front of my face once again. I read the tweet that appeared on the screen.

@leahfaceee you + me tomorrow @ Nandos see you there <3

"You are so dead," I grabbed her wrist. She screamed and I rolled on top of her, straddling her.

"LOUIS GET OFF!" she screamed.

"Why should I?" I questioned forcefully.

"Cause I have one other thing to show you."
I released her wrists but remained sitting on her waist.

She scrolled through something on my phone.

"After your eventful day tomorrow, you are going to go to the zoo with this girl...."

For the third time I read the screen in front of me.

@_bekascott go with me to the zoo on Sunday? Xx

"WAIT! There's one more." She pulled the phone back before showing me yet another.

@ _fettuccine love you more!! ;)

"I can't believe you actually hacked my twitter... AGAIN!"

I wrestled my phone out of her hand and pulled up a new tweet.

Hey loves, @JustSorinLauren hacked my twitter!!! Go spam her! <3

"You told them to spam me didn't you?" She asked.

"Yep," I grinned at her.

"Can you get off me now?" she shook her head.

"Why? You don't like it? I think you do, just like you love it when I don't wear a shirt."

She chuckled, "I think you are getting your facts mixed up mister." She poked me in the stomach. "However, I am losing all feeling in my legs."

"Oh," I frowned as I rolled off of her.

"Just kidding," She smirked as she rolled on top of me. Quickly, I caught her hands that were attempting to tickle my sides.

"No," I scolded.

I flipped her off of me and hovered over her tickling her sides.

"You know, Louis, for someone who is almost twenty-one you act like you are twelve." I turned my head to see Harry leaning up against the door.

"He's young at heart, Haz," Lauren slid out from underneath me. "That's what I love about him."

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