Amalia shrugged admitting nothing, and went back to eating her eggs.

I was exhausted. There were dark circles under my eyes. My hair was knotted and greasy. I desperately needed a shower, but the night had been really awesome.

I don't know if this makes sense, but to me, it was as though Liam was comforting me unconsciously. It was as though every problem I had and every tear I had shed escaped when I was wrapped in his arms.

After he had kissed me, he pulled me into his arms. He swung his legs on the coffee table and rested his head against a pillow. I swung my own legs onto the sofa and let out a deep sigh. I felt his fingers mindlessly stroking my arms. As he began to hum a song, I drifted off to sleep.

When he kissed me awake three hours later, he told me he needed to go but that he would see me soon. I hadn't realized he had left a mark kissing at my neck.

As I made my way to the Sorin's guest bathroom, I stared at my reflection in the mirror. My summer's tan had faded. My tall, lengthy body was a light ivory color. My cheeks were pink and my lips were plump. I chuckled to myself, knowing that if Louis was here he would be tormenting me. My blue eyes just had a tired look to them.

I slipped out of my t-shirt, sweatshirt, and shorts and stepped into the steamy water. As the pelts of water pounded against my back, I rolled my hands through my hair that was now down to the middle of my back. I shampooed and conditioned my hair with product that smelled like caramel coffee. I washed my face and the rest of my body, careful of the newly tender spot on my neck.

I wrapped a towel around me, drying my damp skin. After towel-drying my hair, I slipped into a pair of black and green Nike shorts. I slipped on a green v-neck and a grey sweatshirt over it. It wasn't anything fancy, but it was me. Plus, it was comfy.

I grabbed the hair drier that Lauren had given to me and whipped the blonde hair dry. I proceeded to straighten it quickly and then pulled it into a ponytail, leaving my bangs framing my face. I applied foundation, brown eyeliner and mascara, along with a peachy eye shadow.

I reached for my clothes off the floor and stuffed them into the bag. I slung the bag over my shoulders and headed up the stairs. It was eighty forty-five. We said goodbye to Mrs. Sorin and headed Marisa's car. Now, there were three of us to drive and things would go much smoother.

Before leaving town, we stopped at ChappyCakes Bakery to pick up some pumpkin bread for the road trip. We stopped for gas, and then we headed on the road towards Holmes Chapel.

"Let's sing a song," Amalia bounced in the back seat.


The four of us ran through various songs, exclaiming them at the top of our lungs. By the seventh or eighth song, my voice was scratchy from yelling, so I pulled out my water bottle and took a long swig.

After an hour and a half of driving, Marisa pulled over to let me drive.

"So...." Amalia dragged on her syllable. "What are we hoping this weekend holds? Let's go in a circle. Marisa you go first."

"Well," Marisa twisted a strand of hair around her finger, "I want to kiss Zayn."

"Straight up," Lauren chuckled.

"Yes, very straight forward but good to set goals?" I was unsure of how to put my thoughts into words.

"What about you Char?" Lauren asked. "Time for another hickey?"

My cheeks were red, I just knew it. "Guys really?" I had purposely put on a sweatshirt to cover it up. I knew the second Louis saw it...

"No but seriously," Amalia demanded. "What do you want to happen this weekend?"

"I don't know... just get to know him better I guess."

"That could be taken in a rather..... dirty way," Marisa snickered.

"NO!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. "Don't!"

"Okay, that's awkward," Amalia hummed. "Lauren?"

Lauren shrugged awkwardly, "Just hang out with Louis I guess."

I still thought there was more than meets the eye with them, but I didn't say anything.

"Amalia?" I laughed.

"Oh just catching up with Niall."

"That's vague," Marisa teased.

"DO NOT ask for details. You DON'T want to hear then," Lauren forewarned causing us to laugh.

The rest of the car ride past faster than I expected. When we were about fifteen minutes away, we pulled over so Amalia could drive. She knew where she was going so we figured that was the best idea to follow. Around eleven thirty, Zayn had texted Marisa that they had arrived, so we knew that they were there to greet us.

As we drove through town, the sky was light blue overhead. The trees were changing colors. Orange and yellow leaves rustled across the street in the light breeze that whisked through the town.

"It's beautiful," I gaped out the window.

We drove through the town before arriving at a small cottage-like house. The car came to a halt.

"Here we are," Amalia sang turning the car off. She tossed the keys over her head. They landed in Marisa's hand.

I opened the door of the car and stepped out to stretch my legs. I headed around to the trunk and opened the hatch. I grabbed my bag and slung it across my body. I helped Marisa bring in the food we had brought and headed towards the door. We were halfway up the walk when the dark wooden door swung open.

"Hey guys," Niall walked out onto the porch. He greeted us with a hug. "Ready for a party?"

He wrapped his arms around Amalia's waist as we all exclaimed our excitement.

"The let the party begin," I jumped at Liam's voice calling into my ear. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around my waist. We waddled into the house ready to start the weekend.

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