"How about people from home? What do they think?"

I lifted my shoulders slightly, "I actually haven't talked to my mom in a while. Every time I call I end up taking to one of my sisters or their babysitter. My brother never wants to talk to me. Both of my parent's schedules are so crazy that when you add the time differences, it's just impossible."

"Oh," he clearly felt my pain. "Sorry, I know how hard it is."

"It's easier when you have cool people to surround yourself with."

"Thank you," he smirked.

I elbowed him and he elbowed me back.

"What about your friends back in the states?" he went on to ask.

"Well..." my thoughts trailed off. "Meghan and Sophia are now completely obsessed with One Direction."

"Oh," he knew what I meant. "That's rough. I'm sorry."

"Not your fault," I informed him. "Five gorgeous guys with accents and voices like angels are hard to resist. "

"Keep these compliments coming; I love them!"

"Oh shush."

"So this is our third year together now. We are going to be going to Harry's step dad's house next week for a party."

I looked at him with suspicious eyes, "Should I be concerned?"

"Erm, no, because we, well I, want you to come?" he glanced at me hopefully.

"I don't know about that. I wouldn't want to intrude." As much as I didn't want to intrude, I also questioned my morals. Yeah, I was eighteen, almost nineteen. Yeah, there are boys' rooms on my floor in the dorms, but I wasn't that girl.

"No, no. Amalia and Lauren are coming for sure. We want you and Marisa to come, too! It'd be really fun. Swimming, campfires, pin-the-tail on Harry..." he said causing me to laugh.

"Yeah, I'll talk to Riss."

"Cool," he smiled.

It was getting late but I didn't want to leave. Marisa hadn't bothered me to go, so I was content when Liam grabbed a blanket off his bed and we settled down to watch a movie. Liam turned on The Blind Side, which is one of my all time favorite movies.

"You know I cry every single time I watch this movie," I told Liam.

"Do you really?"

"Yeah, I do."

"That's adorable."

He stretched out, putting his feet on the table in front of the sofa. Pulling me towards him, I laid my head against his stomach and he threw the large comforter over the two of us. His arm tightened around my waist holding me.

As the TV flickered in front of me, I could feel my eyes drooping. I couldn't fall asleep –not again. My sleep patterns were just so messed up. But then again, I was also distracted

I turned my head up towards Liam who was looking at back down at me. It caught me off guard, but then I realized that I had turned my head which was on his stomach.

"Bored?" he asked.

"Mmm," I hummed.

"Is that a yes or a no...?"

"It's a maybe." His stomach shook underneath me. He was chuckling silently to himself. "But I'm also tired."

"So you're going to fall asleep on me again?"

"Wasn't planning on it... but if that's how you feel, then I'll just leave and go get some sleep."

I stood up and tossed the blanket back on the sofa. My breath quickened as I prayed he wasn't actually going to let me go. I wasn't a needy one but I felt rather needy.

"Um, no." His hands fastened around my wrists pinning them to my sides. This stopped me from turning the door handle to leave the room.

"What?" I asked innocently.

"Stay here." The lights in the room were off from when we had started the movie.

"What kind of girl do you..."

"No! Not like that!" Liam quickly denied. "Just don't leave."

He turned me around slowly, pulling me against him by my arms before letting his grip fall. He brushed my bangs away from my eyes, his hand trailing down my jaw.

He grabbed my hands once again, placing them on his chest, before wrapping his arms low on my waist, his hands at the edge of my shirt.

"This reminds me of two nights ago..." I whispered. He shivered from my warm breath against his face.

"The real goodbye kiss..." his whispered voice drifted across my skin.

"Mmhmm," I sang.


"Except what?"

"Except no one is watching this time..."


"...and it doesn't have to be a goodbye one."

I looked up at him from under my eyelashes. His warm brown eyes beat down on me, forcing a smile. His hands made their way up my back pressing me closer to him. His lips grazed the end of my nose as they made their way down kissing just above my lip. My hands placed on his chest, I could feel his heart beat quicken as he kissed around the corners of my lips.

"Such... a tease..." the words managed to escape my mouth.

My lips brushing his skin were enough to make him quit teasing. Soft lips found my own. I kissed him tenderly as our lips moved together. My arms clamped around his neck forcing myself closer to him. My fingers crawled up the back of his neck towards the loose curls that fell around his collar. Way too soon, his lips left mine but remained against my cheek.

"So," he said in between kisses, "Are... you gonna.... Stay?"

I leaned my face into his adding more contact.


"Is that a yes or no? And don't you dare tell me it's a maybe."

He kept his arms around my waist. Walking backwards, he pulled me over to the sofa. He laid down pulling me behind him—my back to his stomach. I focused my eyes on the TV as he pulled be back towards him.

He moved my hair to one side of my neck before placing his lips on the bare skin. He kissed his way up my neck, up my jaw, before placing a softhearted kiss on my lips.

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