Ruby: Thank you for saving me Y/n.

Y/n: No problem Ruby I can't have my scythe buddy die on me now can I.

After I came out of the forest I changed back and started carrying Ruby bridal style back to Qrow so we can take her home.

Back to present

Glynda over intercom: Would all first years report to Beacon cliff for initiation. I repeat would all first years report to Beacon cliff for initiation.

I start making my way over and saw Jaune getting helped up by Ruby.


I was standing on one of the many plates waiting for the inevitable launch.

Ozpin: For years you all have trained to become warriors and today, your abilities will be evaluated in the emerald forest.

Glynda: Now, I'm sure many of you have heard rumors about the assignment of teams. Well, allow us to put an end to your confusion. Each of you will be given teammates... today.

Ruby: What? Ohhh...

Ozpin: These teammates will be with you for the rest of your time here at Beacon. So it is in your best interest to be paired with someone with whom you can work well.

Ruby: (groaning)

Ozpin: That being said, the first person you make eye contact with after landing will be your partner for the next four years.

Ruby: Whaaaat?!

Nora: (to Ren) See? I told you-!

Ozpin: After you've partnered up, make your way to the northern end of the forest. You will meet opposition along the way. Do not hesitate to destroy everything in your path... or you will die.

Jaune laughs nervously and then gulps loudly.

Ozpin: You will be monitored and graded through the duration of your initiation, but our instructors will not intervene. You will find an abandoned temple at the end of the path containing several relics. Each pair must choose one and return to the top of the cliff. We will regard that item, as well as your standing, and grade you appropriately. Are there any questions?

Jaune: (raising his hand) Yeah, um, sir?

Ozpin: Good! Now, take your positions.

Everyone strikes a pose on their tile. Nora crouches low, Ren wields his weapons, Yang raises her fists, Ruby readies her body, and Jaune is still raising his hand get my weapon out in it's more collapsed form.

Jaune: Uh, sir? I've got, um... a question. (he misses the tile under Weiss rising up into a springboard, rocketing into the air and over the forest, as the platforms activate down the line) So, this landing... strategy thing... Uh, wha-what is it? You're, like, dropping us off or something?

Ozpin: No. You will be falling.

Jaune: Oh, uh, I see... So, like, did you hand out parachutes for us?

Ozpin: No. You will be using your own landing strategy.

Jaune: Uh-huh... Yeah.

I noticed Yang get launched and letting a woohoo out as Ruby gets flung next. I ready myself as I feel the wind to start dragging across my face after being launched.

Jaune: So, what exactly is a landing strategYYY!...

I turn Grimm reaper into scythe mode ready to circle any branches it would catch. Once I hit the tree line I slice through each branch that I hit so I turn it to catch the tree trunk and it caused me to spin around the tree and make me so dizzy. I stumble a little to the side to empty my gut into the nearby bushes.

Y/n: Never doing that again. So north should be... (turns north) that way.

I start to walk in that direction for a bit before I feel like I was being stared at. I pull out Grimm reaper and aim it towards the bush that started rustling. A bunny jumped out.

Y/n: I guess I'm a little on edge if a bunny got my weapon out.

The next thing I know I was pinned to the ground I manage to turn my head to see it was a beowolf that pinned me. I turn into a lizard and get out from under him before it could do anything. I then turn into a lion once I was far enough away. We start to circle waiting for one to attack first. The beowolf charges I dodge to the left and slashes it's side as it passes causing it to stumble for a moment I then pounce on it and start clawing it's stomach then bite it's neck and took a large chunk out of it as it goes limp and starts disappearing. I turn back to normal and went up to my weapon and grab it I was about to put it up when a thought occurred.

Y/n: (thought) Don't beowolves travel in packs.

As it passed my mind a large group of beowolves came out into the clearing. I was about to engage but I noticed five alphas in the group. I've dealt with worse but I had Qrow as backup in case it got to hairy. I simply breathe in and got ready for hard fight I then charge at them.


I start making my way into a new clearing revealing to be the ruins. It also revealed Ruby about to get skewered by a deathstalker. I felt worried really worried I turned into the biggest thing I can make myself which was a goliath I stampede towards it and pick it up with my new tusks and yeeted it into the atmosphere. Once I do that I transform back and quickly envelope Ruby into a hug.

Y/n: Don't... pant... do that... pant... again.

I release her and go over to the temple and just grabbed a random piece before my vision started fading to black.


I slowly open my eyes to see I was in the infirmary of Beacon. I start to get up and grab my clothes from the nearby chair and changed back.


I turn towards the door see Ruby coming in.

Y/n: Oh hey Ruby.

Ruby: You're awake.

Y/n: Yeah. So what all happened?

Ruby: You missed the first day and you grabbed the same piece my team picked for initiation so you're on my team nothing really big happened.

Y/n: That's good I suppose, the missing the first day thing, not that I'm on your team, that's great. Do you or anyone have what I missed yesterday then?

Ruby: Yes I'm sure Blake or Weiss will have it. There will be a problem there isn't a place for you to sleep there's only four beds.

Y/n: I've slept in trees before so I should be fine on the floor.


Bacca: Great this is done.

Ruby: Now you get to do what you like to do the most.

Bacca: Yes I get to work on a completely original chapter technical two this next one and one for infinite rose.

Ruby: But what you have planned for infinite rose has been done before by other people multiple times.

Bacca: I still get my own take on it. Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you guys in the next chapter.

Trapped in RemnantHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin