"We did it" he exclaimed through his heavy breathing. I nodded my head in amusement, because yeah, we did it, every one of us, we stopped the demolition.

Pulling him in once more I buried my face in the crook of his neck, afraid to let the boy go. Afraid to have him taken from me again.

And new tears started flowing. The sad ones already dried up on my red cheeks, new happy ones taking their place.

Wyatt, feeling the warm tears drip onto his neck before getting absorbed into the fabric of his shirt, held me tighter. Not caring about Wynter's continuos chanting of 'aw's and his sister's smirk he barely caught from the corner of his eye.

He too did not want to lose the one he held so close to him. Did not want to see the girl he believed to be an angel cry.


My uncle and his crew of cops lead us towards the exit. Heads bowed down apologetically, shoulders slumped with regret.

The whole time of our transition to the outdoors I kept a firm grip on Wyatt's arm and jacket. Still not feeling comfortable with letting go just yet. Thankfully the boy had been sweet about it, cheeks matching my own tinted ones.

"We did it! We stopped the demolition!" Addison exclaimed, the energy from the confrontation still coursing through her, like it was for many others. Wynter's bubbly exterior had returned, the wolf bouncing on the balls of her feet with much excitement.

Usually this celebratory feeling would not be too welcomed by Willa, the stoic and respected girl. But she smiled and chuckled along with me at the sight of our wolf friend easing herself into her naturally bubbly posture.

The crowd of werewolves and I stopped in front of my two closest friends. Ready to embarrass the young couple.

Zed glanced at us warily before reaching into his jacket. What he pulled out had made Addison's lips curved upward, while mine turned down to a concerned frown.

I knew Zed, heck, I knew him very well. I know when he's upset, angry, tired, hungry, frustrated. And I knew the emotion he was portraying very well.


My cousin was too filled to the brim with relief to notice the way his shoulders slumped, or how his hands began to slightly shake.

It didn't take long for me to put the pieces together. Zed hadn't been very supportive of our endeavors, even going as far as to hurt one of the wolves (which I hadn't fully forgiven him for). She didn't lose the necklace. She wouldn't just misplace it. He took it. He stole it.

My frown deepened, even when Wyatt began to soothingly rub circles on my back.

"..I stole it when you weren't looking." The zombie boy admitted, shame evident through his body language as he confessed to his unjustified actions.

"I thought I lost it." The girl softly spoke, shock being the first emotion to arise. "I questioned myself." She grumbled, anger starting the raise it's ugly head.

Not wanting to see my friends argue, I put my attention towards a loose string on Wyatt's jacket. Gently curling my finger around it, careful as to not too not damage the material. My mind slightly hazy from fatigue. The day's events draining my adrenaline.

"I finally find where I belong and you try to steal that from me? Why would I ever go to the Prawn with you after what you did?"

The white haired girl's outburst erased some of the fatigue, my mind on high alert hearing those words come from her mouth.

𝚂𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚍𝚊𝚢 ||Zombies 2|| [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now