What Wolves? Here Wolves? Werewolves.

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This week has been pretty eventful, but now that it's over the bus chatter no longer consisted of cheer camp fantasies but Seabrook High School's very own Prawn.

An oversized prom basically.

That's all everyone has been talking about for the past hour and a half.

I'm not bitter about it. I have been asked, but then Bucky always made his way over, a bounce in his stride, as he crushed each boy's dream.

My brother apparently wants me to go to the dance alone.


I craned my neck to where I heard the strange word, turning away from the passing trees and the wind that hit my face.

It was Bonzo, who held something in his hand for me to see.

It was an apple with a beautiful drawing of Bree's face on one side and the carvings of 'I <3 Bree' on the other.

I knew what he was asking, thanks to the lessons of zombie tongue. So I smiled and nodded with two thumbs up, "it's beautiful"

He shied away at my words, going back to his art work, adding some final details to Bree's face. Letting him finish in peace I went back to staring out the window into the forbidden forest. Letting the possibilities roam of what could be out there.


The seat squeaked on its hinges as Bonzo pulled himself up to a standing position, pointing out the window opposite from us.

The whole bus quieted down as we diverted our eyes to where Bonzo's finger was pointing to. Out the window blocking the view from the left side of the bus were big posters made out of scraps of wood, with spray painted bold letters on them.

Bree took it upon herself to read out loud as we passed by each one.

"Addison will you.."

The bus slowed down more, allowing everyone to get a chance to read. Thankfully Bonzo had sat down, noticing I couldn't see past his figure.

"Go to the Prawn.."

Well talk about a huge effort.

And there come the bitter feelings. Resurfacing as I noticed Addison sitting up straight, a big smile on her face as she waited for the final words to show up outside her window.

To make sure my feelings did not get out of hand I turned away from the scene, staring ahead at the incoming road.

And person on a ladder.


"Zed!" The name flew out of Addison's mouth, not with the excitement that would be expected, but fear.

We were too close to brake completely, and he was too situated to move away in time.

It happened so fast, everyone screamed in fear, grabbing on to people closest to them not caring who they were in such close proximity of.

The bus twisted and turned on the dirt road occasionally bouncing us around as we hit a few bumps.

Every few unexpected twists caused my head to jam into the side of the bus, probably giving me a concussion. My zombie friend saw this after my third impact and from then on did his best to keep a safe distance from me and the rim of the window by placing my head to his chest.

This was our way of bracing for impact, already feeling the final swerve before tree branches scratched against the exterior of the bus.

I clenched my jaw to be sure I wouldn't bite my tongue on the bumpy ride down the small slope in the woods, awaiting the impact with a big tree, a lake, a squirrel, anything.

𝚂𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚍𝚊𝚢 ||Zombies 2|| [Completed]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora