S1 Chapter 2

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I woke up with the warm feeling of the sun on my face, I stretch and sit up slowly on my bed, I still feel quite sleepy but I slept really well last night. I got up and started putting my equipment back on when I got a text from the laughing coffin leader, its an address, "Guess I'll go there then, got nothing else to do anyways." I sigh, I knew I joined them yesterday and I was really excited but right now I don't know if I made the right decison, still I finished getting ready and headed to the place they mentioned on the text.

I had just gotten there but there was nothing around, its like a dungeon but without the monsters.

"Well this is weird" right after I said that, I started hearing a few footsteps getting closer, soon after I can see they are LC members, they were waving at me and that's when the thought hit me "I'm one of them too" I decided to wave back and as they came closer they started talking to me.

"Hey there newbie, we thought it would be a great idea to host a party for our new friend!" one of them said while resting his hand on my left shoulder.

"Oh ughh how friendly of you guys, didn't see that coming" I'm quite surprised they'd welcome me this easily to be honest, but I'm not complaining. They laughed, not the usual laughs though, more like the kind that you see in those famous horror movies, it made me feel uneasy but I ignored that feeling and tried to laugh too.

"Well now that you are joining us, you have to keep your identity a secret, so we've brought you the clothes we use for you as well, get changed so we can get this party started!" They said and walked away into a pathway with some trees, since there was no one else around I just took the clothes they gave me into my inventory and changed right away before I started running in the same direction as them.

I walked with them for a while till we reached a small lake, they stopped and I saw more LC members coming towards us from the opposite direction, I didn't recognize anyone except the leader, he was the one I had met yesterday. Everyone was forming a large circle and the leader was in the middle of it. 

"Come to my side Kirito" he said, I walked next to him and he started speaking to everyone "Today we welcome a new member but before we fully make him one of us, we must see if he is worthy to be called an outlaw like us"

I was confused, as I was about to ask what they meant by being worthy, but then I noticed 2 LC members entering the circle with 2 other players that did not belong to the guild. These were normal players, they were crying and hugging each other looking scared, you could see they were a couple.

"What's going on?" I asked

"What do you think?" I looked at the leader as he kept talking "This is your initiation trial, if you pass it, you'll truly be one of us." He then turned to the other members and asked "How should we play this one guys?"

"Oh I know boss I know! Let's have them kill each other!" they all agreed to that sick game and started forcing the couple to hit each other but they kept refusing to.

Then the boyfriend got up and said "If you wanna kill someone then kill me but please don't hurt her!" He was crying and trying to protect his girlfriend who was on the ground.

I clenched my fists, I knew this was wrong, I should help them but I couldn't, if I started a fight with LC I'd certainly lose, they were too many I couldn't fight all of them alone, so I just stayed there without moving a muscle while I saw the couple be killed in front of each other.

"This was wrong" I said while looking at the ground "You had no reason to kill them"

They looked at me and laughed, then the leader spoke "Of course we had a reason, they were in love."

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