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AN:The picture above is for the room described later in case you dont want to imagine what it looks like 

"AGHGAHAHHAHA" *thud* slamming my head on my desk might not be the solution to the math equation I'm desperately trying to solve, but maybe just maybe I hit hard enough to die.
"That's not how you solve a math equation"
It took me everything not to claw her eyes out of her damn head. I clenched my teeth trying hard to surpress a scream.
Being used to my attitude she fixed her strict low bun and pushed her glasses up her nose.
I swear these stupid small glasses I just Wana grab them and smack them in-
My train of thought was oh so rudely interrupted by a fake cough from her
"So do you know how to solve this problem?"
"If i did, i would have solved it a long time ago! Isn't it your job to teach me?"
" I can't fill a bucket with a hole, if you understand what i mean"
stretching the understand and implicating I'm dumb was too much to handle, even for me. Without thinking I took the coffee mug and splashed the hot drink all over her.
"You cant even fill a bucket without a hole because YOUR bucket is as tiny as your STUPID GLASSES"
I left the room, without another word, fearing I might apologize to her if I stay longer, the feeling of guilt being very prominent. Feeling myself tear up I ran into the bathroom just a few meters down the enormous hallway. Shutting the door, I sat down on top of the sink and a single teardrop fell on my cheek. Heck I dont even know why I'm crying! Do I feel guilty? Yes. Should I have done this? Maybe not.
Rethinking about everything I have just done, more teardrops started falling on my cheeks.
Maybe I should apologize... But she DID call me stupid, well indirectly. Calming myself down, I exited the bathroom and went to my room, of course escorted by two bodyguards, as I'm used to by now. The walk through my house, I dislike the word mansion it makes it sound so strange and uncomfortable, was quite long. I recently had to change my room from one in the middle of the house to one in the basement in the left wing of it. Why? Let's just say there were some....inconveniences, but we will get back to that later.
I opened the door on the left side of the hallway and entered my room. Upon opening the door, my eyes immediately fell upon the bed with messy pillows all over it and a cozy blanket on top. My eyes then wandered to the right side to my second favorite thing in the room, my piano. In my old room, the black painted wood beautifully reflected the sun light that shone through the window, now the piano was alluminated by the light on my ceiling, making it look lifeless and old, reminding me of my wish of having a windowmevery time I see it. Although it is a basement room, there was a double staircase over the piano on the right side of my king sized bed, one leading upstairs to an opened second floor, kinda like a balcony inside and a door for my closet, one leading down to a door that hid, what I like to call, my hideout room.

 I call it a room but it could be house by itself. It has a tv area, a pool that is almost as large as the pacific ocean, I swear, a billboard table and a few other entertainment things. I define it as my hide out because first of all I persuaded my father to not allow the bodyguards down here and second of all because I discovered a small door that leads to my real hideout. Once you climb through the door, that I discovered while searching for the remote and accidentally pulling too hard on the handle of a cabinet that I couldnt open ( and maybe accidentally destroying the lock) you'll find a couch that fills almost the whole room and a tv in front of it. And let me tell you it was a whole ORDEAL to bring the "Furniture" ( I just layed a lot of mattresses, blankets and pillows on the floore and then put the tv in) in there. After what felt like a lifetime of exercice, it looked realy cozy.
Plopping down on my bed I was exhausted from crying and had a slight sore throat from screaming at my teacher.
" Hey....Hey you" I said to one of the bodyguards " Can you fetch me pain medicine"
With a quick bow he exited the room.
"Soooo...." I started my sentence, knowing he cant answer, ready to start another dialogue with myself.
"How's it going"
i stared at him in disbelief. HE just talked to ME. And I'm not going crazy, Right? He DID im so sure
"I said, how is it going"
" ..............good........?"
"Yeah, Im good too"
"..Good...? I repeated still shocked
You are allowed to speak?"
"No, we are not"
"Then why are you speaking now?"
"The other bodyuard is a snitch, mademoiselle"
He flinched slightly at my outburst but smiled amused
"Are your answers always that short"
" Better this than nothing. Whats your name?"
"Changbin. Seo changbin"
there are so many things to say and yet I couldnt come up with anything to keep the conversation alive
"Just so you know" He began " I think your dancing was quite good."
I felt heat rush to my cheeks when he mentioned the dance session yesterday. I still felt a bit embarassed about it. In fact, im still not used to being followed everywhere, although I had no problem with that when I was younger. The thing that eased my mind about them seeing me dance, was that they could never comment on it. I always pretented that they would forget everything once they leave the room
" Dont say that, I looked awful"
Maybe he could see I was a bit uncomfortable about the topic, but he quickly changed the subject
"So what was that whole ordeal about, yesterday?"
My eyes widen in horror, as I recall what happened yesterday. OH NONONONO
"What was your goal exactly? I mean you knew we would be able to get in somehow. Why bother and make a scene?"
He asked me that one question I asked myself since yesterday. Yeah why, Mina? You knew they would eventually get in, you knew it. And still you decided to throw a tantrum and be a drama queen.
"I dont know"
"You dont know? You did all this not even knowing why?"
"ehm, yeah pretty much"
"Wow....You know I was really curious about the reason, you just ruined all of my theories. I've been thinking about it since yesterday"
" Oops sorry"
I gave him a cheeky smile. There was a small pause before he chuckled
"Oh nothing, it's just that I expected you to be.....well ....to be a bitch"
He eyed me curiously, probably anticipating my reaction. When I didnt answer he quickly tried to correct himslef
"I..ehm NOT that you look like one but you are and ARE NOT omg and that surprised me, not that I thought you were a bitch and-"
"Oh my gosh, stop rembling. I AM one. And I'm offended you dont think I'm a dramatic ass bitch"
"Sorry haha.....From what you did to your teacher earlier I thought you would be the same now. What was wrong ?"
I stayed quiet for a bit not wanting to talk about it. Still feeling guilty about it and now mixed with the feeling of embarrassment I could feel my throat thightening.
"Where're you from?"
" I'm from this city. My house is actually just a few away"
I took the chance and asked what I've always wanted to know about the world outside
" What is it like, living in a city?"
"What do you mean, what it is like? Its like living in every other city. Going to school, events, meeting friends, going to the mall"
" What is it like?
When he didn't respond I tried to rephrase my question
" I mean, our city, what does it look like?"
"Have you been outside before..?"
I shook my head, with a small smile still visible on my lips
" You never left this mansion before?"
I stared at him expectingly. He cleared his throat.
" I- I mean it looks like a normal city, I dont know what to tell you"
My smile slowly faded.
"Oh" I said hanging my head low
"If I had my phone I would show you pics but I'm not allowed to carry it with me when i'm working. It's in my room right now, you know what? Next time I -"
He was interrupted by a knock on the door. Changbin straightened his posture and gestured me to act like nothing happened
"Come in"
The door opened and the other bodyguard entered the room. Without a word he handed me the medicine and positioned himself next to the other male. After a couple minutes of awkward silence and a few glances between changbin and me, I figured there was nothing else to do and decided to play the piano. Hopping off of my bed and walking to the black grand piano I wiped some of the dust of with my hands and opened it. My hands lingered above the keys, waiting for me to decide what to play. I slowly dropped my hands onto the keys and started playing the Etude by Chopin in C-Minor, first very slowly and quiet and then picking up the tempo I began expressing my feelings more and more through the music.
Feeling the part where I still struggle slowly aproching I slowed down and concentrated on what my hands had to do. My fingers anxiously began the run up the piano and down, and up again this time an octave higher. Once my fingers reached the one line c, my fingers paused and I slowly lifted them into the air. I just said there, listening to the music fade away and disappear completely, leaving only the memory of the beautiful piece I played. Not knowing what to do next I stood up and walked straight to the bathroom door, that was located a few meters next to my piano on the left side of the room.
Making my over there, I kicked a few pillows that fell off of my bed out of my way. When my hands reached the door knob, ready to pull it open, I was interupetd by a loud knock on my door. My head slowly turned, intrigued by the knock, not knowing who it could be. No one ever visits me, my bodyguards are here and the cleaning woman got ordered to not clean my room....I dont have lessons either now... My train of thoughts got interrupted once again when the person knocked again, this time louder
"Yes?" I hesitantly answered, but nevertheless curious to see who it is. A head of a man in his 40s appeared, expectantly looking around the room, his eyes searching for someone, who was probably me. That thought was confirmed when he smiled when our eyes locked
"Mina" He paused a bit and entered the room fully
"Your father sent me to bring you to the dance studio, he found someone to teach you"
You couldnt even overthink about meeting the new teacher, nor make up scenarios in your head. You werent ready for meeting him, that was certain
"Yes, now please follow me"
" Tell him, he can come back tomorrow. Im not in the mood right now"
"Your father is waiting"
And that simple sentence was enough to make me surrender, grab my gym bag and follow him without uttering a single word.


Please don't Forget to vote and write tips/opinions in the comments, it would mke my day<3

Dance Teacher-- HyunjinWhere stories live. Discover now