Getting Settled

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After christening the bedroom that was now considered 'ours' we fell asleep. I didn't sleep long because I wasn't a big nap taker. Another reason I liked how big the bed was here? Dodger could sleep comfortably on it with both of us. We had opened the door back up before we fell asleep and he must have realized it and joined in on the nap.

After seeing me come out of the bathroom he followed me out of the room.


Lazy weekends, where have you been my whole life?  Napping during a chilly day, waiting on the snow we may get and then getting woken up by warm puppy dog kisses

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Lazy weekends, where have you been my whole life? Napping during a chilly day, waiting on the snow we may get and then getting woken up by warm puppy dog kisses. I think right now I'm his best friend because he is waiting patiently for me to take him outside to do his 'thing' while his daddy is still snoozing.

@SCOTTEVANSGRAM: Love my Dodger and my Friendly Girl!



@UNKNOWN2: I didn't ship these 2 at first but I do now. She makes it hard to hate her just because she gets to be with my man. They seem real.

@UNKNOWN3: o m g ! Maybe more celebs should try dating some of us non-Hollywood types!

@evansFAN: ummmmmmm, why is she waking up at Chris' house? I want to take Dodger out for Chris.

@UNKNOWN4: I want more of these 2!

@mychrissypoo: not me @UNKNOWN4. She doesn't deserve him! Or Dodger.  I don't wanna share them.

@CaptainFancyPants: I'm with you @mychrissypoo ! They all act like she is perfect. I DON'T WIKE IT!




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