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Snake demon:"I'LL RIP YOU TO SHREDS!"

Y/n:"Total concentration Devil breathing second form" you chanted  in your head as you got into a stance. Your free arm in front of your body at a right angle and your sword resting upon your forearm ready to be thrust or swung in an instant. The demoness lunged forward ready to tear into you, not prepared to strike just yet you simply slid under her and got into your stance once more. "Second form" She lunged again, you avoided, and entered the stance yet again, "Second form"

Snake Demon POV

Something's up with this kid. No matter what I do he keeps dodging and getting into that same stupid stance. I don't understand it, it's not exactly useful for anything other than a thrust or a twril. I attack, and slash, and bite, and NO MATTER HOW MUCH I TRY I CAN'T SEEM TO KILL THIS ANNOYING PEST. 

I tried to follow him and the brat kicked me and actually staggered me for a moment! I didn't think these slayers knew how to do anything other than swing their puny swords but that kick hurt like a bitch! It reminds me of my time in the back alleys of cities when I accidentally used too much teeth. And then he goes into that same stance again! "Why are so hell bent on getting into that position?" I asked him with a scowl. Wait... my scowl morphed into a delighted grin. Of course, it made so much sense now!... The kid can only use one attack, so he >can't attack me from any other angle! Now It'll only be a matter of time before I sink my teeth into his head! 

Your POV

I dodged her attacks with ease whilst getting back into my second form stance." My time in the cave had been horrible. I was nose blind, surrounded by near total darkness, cull's blood really messed with my sense of taste and his static toned voiced echoes constantly making it impossible to reliably hear any attacks coming. The only way I could move around and avoid hitting just about anything and everything was but learning to understand even the slightest sensations. The slightest grooves, the vibrations in the ground, even the minute changes in the air when something moved. Come to think of it, my sense of touch has always been pretty refined, after all I got the hang of brail pretty quick." I internally recounted as I kept up my song and dance with the demoness. 

"Coming out of that cave I was exhausted and running into that demon and guy didn't give me a chance to truly acclimate my sense to am environment with so much happening within it, so I wasn't able to really interpret what I had been experiencing." Another simple dodge as she barreled through trees and rocks.

"But I think I'm getting the hang of it now. Whenever she strikes I can feel the changes in wind and the movement of the trees. And that feeling of blood lust and cruelty that she radiates before striking is unmistakable from anything else here!" Her attacks are obvious now, so obvious I know I can make her fall for a trap I had loosely come up with.

"Good, now she thinks this stance is my one and only move" I muttered as the snake demon kept lunging towards me trying to win a quick victory. 

"Remember a demon is good at 2 things. One is obviously kiLIng thEir prey, and the other one is lying, arguably their most important talent. They need it to blend into society and lure their prey into their trap, they use it confuse any eneMies and find an opening to strike, and they use it to convince themselves that what they are doing isn't the most hEInous crime imaginable. Remember to best a demon you can't just be stronger YoU mUSt alSo BE A BetTeR LIEr!" Cull's words rang loudly in my head.

"I haven't forgotten Cull!" I thought to myself as I kept jumping around, waiting to make my move.

2nd POV

Total Concentration: Devil Breathing (M!reader x demon slayer)Where stories live. Discover now