Part 9 Tobirama Senju

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     Tobirama stood against the wall with his arms folded and The Leaf Police force had found evidence that someone had been murdered and yet there was no body. There were also no witnesses. Hashirama nodded to the officer and he turned and left. "What do you make of it, Elder brother?" Hashirama rubbed his eyes. "I couldn't begin to guess. The Uchiha aren't exactly talking. This could be connected to the family that was found murdered only a few days ago." "You should confront them." Tobirama growled. "And what purpose would that serve? They already feel like outcasts due to your policies, little brother. I have no interest in making things more tense than they already are. Especially in the midst of a conflict." Tobirama shook his head. "We need to find out who is behind it and end this before anymore lives are lost." "I agree, but you need to tread carefully." Hashirama says. With a grunt, Tobirama walked out of his brother's office. He was going to go for a walk so that he could figure out what to do. He had no intention of standing by while an Uchiha murdered someone else. As he walked through the streets of the village, the people bowed and said their hello's. Tobirama kept walking, he wasn't sure where he was headed. As far as he was concerned, it didn't matter. Maybe something would present itself and he would know where to go. Even though he knew he shouldn't, he walked towards the Uchiha compound. And nearly got ran down by a young woman. She was running from a group of men. Tobirama inserted himself between them. "Out of the way, Senju." One of the men demanded. The group of men were drunk, so they apparently did not notice who it was they were making demands from. Tobirama lifted his finger only slightly as he crossed his arms in front of them. When they felt the build up of chakra, the men finally took a step back. "Be thankful the Senju was here to protect you." Another member of the group said. "Whore." They each spat on the ground before turning and going on their way. "Thank you, sir." The woman says as she relinquished her hiding place and stood before him. Tobirama grunted when he saw that she was an Uchiha as well. "You should go home." He growled. As he started to walk away, she grabbed him arm. "Would you mind walking me?" Of course he minded. He thought to himself. He had no business being seen with an Uchiha. She looked up at him and smiled. For a moment, he felt an unfamiliar tingling sensation. Surely he was not becoming aroused by her. He groaned. "Lead the way." He tells her sternly. She clapped her hands and bowed. "Thank you so much." She led him through the compound. As they passed by other members of her clan, some glared at Tobirama, others spat at the woman. What could this woman have done to earn her the anger of her own clan? They reached the outskirts of the compound where they came upon a small house. There seemed to be a wall that was built to intentionally separate her from the rest of the clan. He grimaced. He had his reasons for doing what he did. It was for the good of the Leaf Village. What possible reason could there be for a lone woman to be ostracized. She opened her door and Tobirama again tried to walk away. But the woman grabbed his arm again. "May I offer you some tea before you head back?" Tobirama sighed. "Woman, I really need to get back." He tells her. He rolled his eyes when he saw the pout on her face. "Fine." He growled. He followed her inside and sat down while she fixed them some tea. He looked around her home. She had so little. This was most likely done by the clan intentionally. As if being forced to live alone wasn't bad enough, they denied all the normal comforts that the rest of the clan. "What's your name, woman?" She stopped and looked at him for a moment. "My name is Emi." She tells him simply. "You know who I am?" "Yes, sir. You are the younger brother of our Hokage. Tobirama Senju." He nodded. And yet, she was treating him with kindness and consideration. She poured him a cup of tea and sat down. She seemed so timid. Nothing like her fellow clansmen. He felt the tingling begin to build up again. His cock hardened of its own accord. Emi noticed and for a moment, Tobirama thought to stand up and leave immediately. His body, however, refused to cooperate. Before he could move, Emi had his cock in her hands and was handling  him gently. "Please allow me to ease your discomfort, Lord Tobirama." Inside his mind, Tobirama screamed. As if he would ever willing lay with a dirty Uchiha. He gripped his knees as the heat of her mouth enveloped his cock. And as she began bobbing her head up and down, his body was very much enjoying itself. He grabbed her head in an attempt to pull her off him and end this farce, but she grabbed his balls and all he could do is let his head fall back as he lost himself and exploded. Emi took his cock all the way to the balls she was handling and swallowed every drop. She stood up and pulled off the clothes she wore. His eyes widened as she freed her breasts. So beautiful. She grabbed his hands and placed them on her breasts, moaning as he gripped them in his hands. He leaned forward and sucked each nipple in turn. He reached down as she spread her legs and dipped his fingers into her pussy. "Don't be gentle, my Lord." Emi tells him. He lay her on her back then and began pounding his fingers into her. She came beautifully. He licked her juices off his fingers. Delicious. She yelped as he put his face between her legs and began beating her clit with his tongue. First grazing her clit with his teeth, which made her buck, then rolling her now swollen clit between his teeth. She came again and he buried his tongue into her. She was fucking delicious. Her juices tasted like honey. Tobirama's mind was fighting for control. How dare this happen to him. Who was this that thought he could take over his body and force him to fuck his enemy. Woman or not. His cock was raging hard again, he watched as he shoved his cock into the woman and fucked her. All the time she was begging for more. He fucked her harder, his balls slapping into her so hard it was painful. And yet he continued. "Yes, fuck me." He pulled out of her pussy and spread her ass cheeks. Emi gasped and then screamed as he shoved his cock into her ass. He grabbed her hips and again pounded into her. "Yes, yes." Her words only forced his speed to increase. Tobirama growled. Now he saw why she was called a whore. If that's how she wanted to be treated, then so be it. He relented. He would fuck her like the enemy she was and he would enjoy it. Whoever this presence was would not take that from him. He built up chakra and fucked her even harder. Until he heard her beg him to stop, he would have his way with her. His cock refused to release. He pulled out of her ass and put his cock back into her pussy and fucked her again. Emi gripped his arms and screamed as she came over and over. He took his fingers and rubbed her clit as well. He had rubbed her clit so raw it had begun to bleed. He smiled to himself. All those times his brother told him to take it easy on the Uchiha, use diplomacy. He fucked her harder still. Emi began to hit him then, she had had enough. And yet she was unable to form the words as she continued to cum. He forced her to her hands and knees and kept fucking her. She began to tire and couldn't even remain on her hands anymore. She fell forward. And still he fucked her. He noticed that she was unconscious and actually didn't care. He hit her, so that she was awake and continued. "Please stop." Emi's words didn't seem to reach him. He was in a sort of trance, she had to die, and he would derive pleasure from her for as long as she lasted. He kept fucking her and was amazed that she still continued to cum, wave after wave. Her pussy was getting tighter. When he forced himself into her to make use of it, she came again, but this time she bled heavily. He kept going until he finally blew his load. It was only after he pulled his limp member out of her pussy, that he realized something was wrong. "Woman?" He called. When he went to check on her and moved her hair back from her face, he saw that her eyes were wide open and unmoving, her mouth in a grimace. Tobirama fell back. What had he done? Outcast or not, the Uchiha would not forgive him for the death of one of their clan. They were looking for any excuse to begin another war with the Senju. He may have given them the opportunity. His heart began to pound. Suddenly everything froze, as if time had stopped.

     Indra watched for a moment. Had he come to late? He touched Tobirama's forehead. His uncle was indeed gone. Damn. The fact that he had inhabited the brother of the Hokage and had participated in such carnage. Indra shook his head. He would need to speak to his father. His uncle was still very powerful. His essence being that of desire and the violence that could stem from it. Why had no one noticed? It seemed that his uncle had been free from his imprisonment for some time. Indra watched all the encounters and the chaos that had occurred. As much as he admired his uncle's brutality, crossing through time was forbidden. They could not chance anyone finding out that abilities such as that existed. Indra touched Tobirama's forehead once again. Tobirama disappeared.

     When Tobirama woke, he found himself in his own bed. Hashirama sat in a chair next to the bed. He had a smile on his face. How annoying. "Elder brother, what reason could you possibly have to be so damn happy this early in the morning." Hashirama laughed. "It isn't often that my brother is brought home by a bunch of drunk and happy Uchiha. I'm told, you went to a bar and when a group of Uchiha tried to start a fight with you, you bought them all drinks. You all sat around until closing time and enjoyed each other's company. Do I dare you were bonding, little brother?" "Don't push it." Tobirama growled. Is that what had happened? He didn't remember. Hashirama stood up. "No matter what happened, little brother, its helped our relations with the Uchiha a great deal. Even Madara couldn't believe it when his clan members told him. Madara was actually laughing." Tobirama rolled his eyes. "Be gone, big brother." Hashirama chuckled and handed him a glass. "This should help with your hangover. You can take the day to rest. Your one act has improved relations dramatically and for the better. On top of that, the conflicts have stopped and peace talks are underway." With that, Hashirama left his brother alone to recuperate from his night of diplomacy. As unorthodox as it was. Tobirama lay there for a while. Something seemed strange. Almost to good to be true. But, what mattered to him is that the war was over. And somehow he had had a hand in it. His elder brother was proud of him and happier than he had seen him in a long time. Tobirama sighed and drank the elixir his brother had given him. Once his headache ceased, he showered and dressed. When he stepped outside, he flinched from the brightness of the sun and groaned. He walked over to the Uchiha compound. Instead of the glares and feeling of tension that usually greeted him, the clan members were smiling and nodding their heads in greeting. Tobirama nodded in return. This would take some getting used to.

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