Part 3 Orochimaru

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Anzu remained a safe distance from her target. She had been sent to report on Orochimaru's where abouts. After nearly a month of reconnisance, she found herself in front of a large rock face. She rolled her eyes when she saw the obvious statues of snakes on either side of the entrance. For someone who was supposed to be hiding, he seemed to have dropped the ball. As strange as it was Anzo admired Lord Orichimaru. She and Anko were the best of friends, so of course before she agreed to this assignment, she had questioned Anko for any and all information she was willing to give her. Yes, Lord Orochimaru had issues. That was speaking mildly. It was his intellect that intrigued her. The fact that he had been named as one of the three legendary Sannin only added to her excitement in regards to him. Yes he was creepy, but she found him handsome in his own way. She blushed. His tongue automatically made her think of some very unladylike things. She smiled and moved further under cover to wait. She had seen Lord Orichimaru and his right hand man Kabuto Yakushi enter their hideout. She intended to wait until nightfall before she made her move. She had used her jutsu to force the entrance to remain open. A small, nearly invisible thread. She settled back and waited. She began to notice that her eyes were getting heavy. She rubbed them and forced herself to keep them open. "You're an interesting one." As soon as she heard his voice, she froze. Her body however, responded against her wishes. She blushed as she became wet. She heard him actually chuckle. Then blackness.

When Anzu woke up, she found herself in a room with a bed, a desk and a dresser. She expected to wake up in a labratory. She sat up and rubbed her temples to relieve the throbbing she felt. She froze when she heard the door scrape open. "Good morning." It was Kabuto. "Lord Orochimaru wanted to make sure you were comfortable." Anzu watched him set a tray down on the desk. "At least for now." Anzu glared at him. She hated his fake smile. "Let me go." She tells him. Kabuto raised an eyebrow. "You're in no position to make demands." He tells her. "I had suggested to Lord Orochimaru that you would best used in one of his many experiments. But apparently, he has other plans for you." Anzu couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Kabuto chuckled, "I wouldn't be so happy about that if I were you. Lord Orochimaru has many experiments that he runs simultaneously." He looked at her then. "Of course, you know this already. Being that you're with the Anbu." Anzu froze again. Of course they would know that. The Leaf village would only ever send the best to search him out. And the Anbu were the best. Kabuto seemed to read her thoughts. "I wonder about that," He says. "You were caught after all. If I were you, I would rest and eat. Once Lord Orochimaru figures out what he's going to do with you, I doubt you'll be sleeping or eating until he is finished." With that, Kabuto left. She could hear the lock and then the sound of removing the key. She stood up and retrieved the tray and then sat back on the bed. She began eating and once finished, she returned the tray to the desk. She took a look around, she doubted escaping would be an option. And if she did escape her room, she knew that outside lay corridors that were an endless maze. She had no interest in getting lost. Though it was impossibe, she felt it would be easier to escape when she was provided with an oppurtunity to confront Lord Orochimaru. The best she could do is follow Kabuto's suggestion as much as she hated to. She lay down and closed her eyes. Anzu could never simply go to sleep. Her body was always tense. And she had found since puberty that the only way she could relax enough to sleep was masterbation. She rolled her eyes. Damn it, even in this situation, she couldn't keep from being horny. She tried to roll over and attempt to force herself to sleep. But her body already began to tense up. Her pussy was throbbing painfully demanding that she keep with her routine. Her body didn't seem to care that she was being held hostage. With a sigh, Anzu undressed completely and lay down. With one hand, she began to fondle her breast, her other hand, she found her clit. She began to rub herself and after a moment simply focused all her attention on her clit. She spread her pussy lips open and rubbed her clit vigorously. She felt her body tense as she got close. "Lord Orochimaru," She sighed as she came, imagining that he was there licking up her juices, she came again just at the image of his tongue working its way deep inside her pussy and flicking her insides like no one else could do. She breathed heavily as she came four times in a row. Her heart was pounding. She breathed evenly and deeply to calm herself. She rolled over with a smile on her face and finally fell asleep.

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