Part 8 Izuna Uchiha

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     After Madara had left, Izuna thought for a long time about what Madara had said. Deep down he knew about his brother's appetite in regards to women. So for a split second he honestly thought that maybe Madara had lost control and killed this woman. He had done it before. He went about his business, putting his concerns in the back of his mind. He was planning on meeting a young woman later that evening for dinner. He wanted to focus on that. He felt his cheeks warm as he thought about her. They had met in the market only a few days ago. When they saw each other, neither one could say a word. All they could do was watch each other and blush. That wasn't like him. He was the last one to believe in love at first sight. Deep down he felt that was the last thing he needed. Many men have died because they get distracted by women. Or they go mad when they lose the woman they cared for. Either scenario was in no way a benefit to the clan. Least of all the fledgling new village. He stopped by a booth and picked up some flowers. He had seen her smelling them before she left, so he was sure to pick them. She seemed to be even more shy than he. There was a real possibility that she had never lain with a man before. If things went the way he hoped, then he would find out before too long. He had a reputation with women as well. He had never had a woman tell him no initially. Women were so easy to read. Granted most of the women he slept with were experienced. Like any man, he enjoyed having a woman with a history of experience pleasuring him. They always knew what they wanted and were never afraid to voice it. A virgin on the other hand made the encounter awkward. She had no idea what she was supposed to do. It took a lot more time to coax her into things. Then there was the understandable fear when he would try to take the upper hand. The woman would lay there tense, shaking. He would usually start by simply touching her gently. He loved the gasp he would hear when he reached her clit. The look on her face was priceless. First shock. Then she would pee on herself. Especially the ones who never learned to touch themselves as they went through puberty. After a moment, he would rub her clit and watch her experience her first orgasm. It always got easier after that. She would beg for more. The woman would be shocked when he put his face into her and began beating her clit. He would smirk. Of course she thought it was disgusting. But only for a moment. He would make her cum multiple times, her body spasming. While she was in the midst of her orgasm, he would shove his cock into her. She would gasp. Some would say no. He would fuck her like mad. Before long, she would grab him and beg for more. By the time he fucked her up the ass, she was completely into to it. Screaming obscenities' as well as his name. He never stayed once he was finished. The woman would fall asleep and usually by the next morning, she would realize the ramifications of what she had done. No longer a virgin, her marital prospects were almost non existent. He would walk away with a smile. Why kill a woman physically, when you could destroy her for the rest of her life. Because it was consensual, she couldn't divulge her actions. They would only be found if she voiced it to a prospective husband before hand, or if she were foolish, the groom would learn the night they consummated their wedding. The husband would either make her his concubine and search out another woman to be his wife, or send her back to her family in disgrace. With the Uchiha, disgrace almost always meant a death sentence.

     But this woman, it felt different. She made his heart pound. He had never felt anything like this before. What did this mean? He made his way to her door and knocked. When the door opened, her father answered. Izuna nodded and voiced his intentions. The father glared at him but stood aside. His daughter's jet black hair and onyx eyes were balanced by the dark blue gown she wore. Izuna blushed again. "I never even asked your name." He whispered as they walked away. "My name is Siri." She answered. "I'm Izuna." Her eyes widened. "You're Madara's brother?" Izuna nodded. If she had any knowledge of his reputation, she wasn't showing it. He sighed in relief. The one time he thought maybe he had found a woman he could care about. At least that was what his heart was telling him. They found their way to the restaurant he had chosen. Once inside, he led her to a table and pulled the chair out for her. She sat down and blushed again. Once there meal had arrived, they sat and talked. He found her to be highly intelligent and funny. They spoke about many topics. Before long, the owner approached them. It was closing time and he needed to close up. Izuna was surprised and how fast time had flown by. He stood up and helped her to her feet, brushing his hand over her ass as he did so. All she did was blush. She didn't pull away. Interesting. Maybe his original assessment of her was wrong. As they went outside, he felt a strange tingling sensation. Instantly he found himself putting Siri against the alley wall of the restaurant they had just walked out of. Siri pushed against him, but not in protest. He loosened his hold on her and watched as she slid to her knees. She undid his pants and took his cock in her mouth. As she began to suck him off, he had to put his hands against the wall to brace himself. The tingling seemed to grow more. Is this what Madara had described? With what she was doing to him he lost all train of thought. As he got close, he gripped her hair with one hand roughly. This only made her suck his cock all that much more intense. She let his pants fall and grabbed his balls in her hands. He closed his eyes as he came, she deep throated him taking every drop. He pulled her up then and kissed her deep, tasting the saltiness of his own juices. He picked her up hiking her dress up all the way. She spread her legs, begging for him. He smiled at her and shoved his fingers up inside her. She came over his fingers. He pulled his fingers out of her and licked one finger. She was sweet. She opened her mouth and let him put another finger in hers. She licked it  and sucked it making his cock harden all over again. Not yet. He lifted her up so that she sat on his shoulders. Her pussy at his mercy as he held her in place. He began to beat her clit. Doing circles with his tongue around her clit. She moaned when he nibbled on it. He buried his tongue deep into her pussy and shook his head, ravaging her. "Oh fuck." Was all Siri could breathe. In a swift movement, Izuna dropped her back down until his cock faced her entrance. He grabbed her arms and put them above her head before shoving his cock into her. He began fucking her again. The tingling sensation increased and he fucked her harder. He gasped when he slammed her against the wall in his frenzy. She was starting to fight him. He held her wrists with one hand, and covered her mouth with the other. The look of shock was intoxicating. Izuna closed his eyes for a moment and shook his head. When he looked at Siri, he could see tears begin to fall. He felt lost. Suddenly he got close to cumming and pounded into her. Still no release. He turned her around roughly. She yelped. He pulled her ass cheeks apart. His cock seemed so much harder than before. He didn't want this. Not with her. And yet the tingling increased and he found himself shoving his cock into her ass. The tightness was like heaven as shoved himself into her. She put her hands on the wall to save herself from his relentless assault. He grabbed her arms and forced them behind her. Locking her wrists together. He then continued to fuck her, rubbing her bare body against the wall. He sneered. She would be full of splinters when he was done. He slammed her into the wall one more time as he filled her balls deep. He closed his eyes as he finally released. He heard a sigh of contentment. When he opened his eyes, he saw Siri still up against the wall, then he saw the blood running down the wall. He gasped and stood back. When he caught Siri and was holding her, he found a large splinter of wood impaling her chest. Her eyes were frozen. He reached out closed them with his hand. And began to sob. "Brother," Madara stood there. Izuna turned toward him holding the lifeless body. "Now, do you see?" Madara asked simply. Izuna could only nod. "Go home." I will take care of this." Izuna turned and ran. When he got home, he hurried and showered. The blood and splinters from his encounter washing away. He began to sob. It surprised him. He genuinely cared for this woman, even in their short time together. He would have married her. As crazy as it seemed. Is this what a soul mate felt like?" Both finding them and losing them.

     The following morning, he learned to what extent Madara had taken care of the situation. He had massacred the girls entire family that same night. He claimed that he had found evidence that they had intended to betray not only the clan, but the village at large. He had even convinced Hashirama. As far as it mattered. He was never punished for the murders. Izuna's reputation was intact such as it was. The store owner had not heard or seen anything. Izuna was sure Madara had helped him forget. It occurred to him then. Madara had lied. He had never left for the front lines. When Izuna asked him, Madara verified it. Not only that, Madara had watched all his interactions with Siri from the beginning. He had watched and even pleasured himself as his younger brother brutalized this woman. Izuna threw up then. He knew his brother was sick, but he had no idea until now just how far his brother's depravity would go. Madara put his hands on his hips. "Brother, we see so much worse on the battlefield. We together have raped the women of our enemies. Why is this any different?" As if in answer, Izuna went to strike him. Madara dodged easily. "Well brother, I'm off to the front lines, for real this time. How will you overcome this, I wonder?" He then began to laugh and walked out. Izuna fell in a heap, trying to work through everything that had happened. Madara had described his experience and it matched what had occurred to him. Unlike his brother, he got no thrill out of killing this woman. They did indeed rape the women of their enemies, often taking turns. He loved it. But Madara always did the killing when they had had there fill. This was different than anything he had experienced. He had not been in control. He remembered the pleasure, enjoyed it, but he knew he wasn't the only one. Someone was watching from inside his mind. And then there was the fact that his brother was watching him as well. Why did it affect him so differently?

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