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Lydia's pov~

Hi im Lydia Martin, Red hair really strawberry blonde, Green eyes and im 5'3. I moved to beacon hills from madsion kentucky, Beacon hills isnt what i thought it would be like. It was a lost town only a store like every 12 miles! I guess i thought it would be a big city sinces its in cal. I got my hopes up for nothing. Im moving here because my dad got a new job here. Why here well madsion didnt have any jobs left and my papa wouldnt let my dad use his money no more. When he heard this offer he hopped right on, and of course getting it. I left behind my best friend kira and Issac. I miss them everyday but my dad said it was for the best. My mom walked out on the family when i was nine, making my dad drink. Alot. It started with just one everynight to 100 a night. Not only did he get drunk he got mad and would hit me, If i didnt clean good enought, Didnt wash the sink. It started with just slaps to punchs to kicks, to well burns whatever he was feeling.

I went back to reailty when i saw us pull into a big house drive way. It was a light blue, With white fencing and like 13 windows it was truely beautiful. A smile went across my face showing all teeth. Wow this is my house! I put my hair into a messy bun so i could start moving things into the house. My father was already here.

"I thought i said that you needed your room all done at 8:00!" He yelled at me making me jump aliitle. I should be able not too but i still do. I looked dont at mt watch to see it was 8:25. Shit!

"Sorry i didnt see the time." I state trying to stay calm like always. You cant show your pain or your weakness. Thats not how it works you show that you have feelings and people talk.

'Your going to be puished for that," he stated making my eyes go wide. I felt his hand go to my arm starting to pull me when a boy with, brown hair and amber eyes. Beautiful. He eyed me for a second. Weird.

"hi im from the house next do." He said. His voice was like music. You wanted to hear it all the time. I stood there just looking at him.

"Im Mark and this is my daugther lydia." My dad said pointing to me with a fake smile.

"Hi." i said waving at him with a smile.

"Im Stiles." He said waving back. "well if you need anything im right next door." He said smiling showing all of his teeth. He then turned to me. "Bye lydia." he said.

"Bye." I say watching his feet with every step. Soon i couldnt see them no more. He was the most handsome guy i have ever laid my eyes on. I was brought back into the real world when i felt my dad pulling me down the stairs to the basement. I knew what was to come but i couldnt keep my mind off of Stiles.

Stiles pov-

That Lydia girl is the most beautiful girl i have ever seen. The way her hair was in a messy bun was beautiful. I walked into my room and looked at my clock it was 1:20. I need to get to sleep. I undid my blue covers and lifted my sheets when i hear crying coming from.. i looked out the window and see the beautiful strawberry blonde crying in her emepy room. Whats wrong she is the beautiful, Wonderful girl i have met and she just moveed into a big house. What could be wrong.

I opened my window alittle. And did the only smart thing. I talked to her. "whats wrong." i said making her look at me. I saw her began to wipe her tears away.

"Im fine." She said letting her hair down. I watched to slowly go down and it was beautiful.

"No your not. What happened?"  I said again. She just smiled.

"Im thinking of my mom." She sadi beganing to cry every more. I had to make her feel better.

"Hey come over here." I say she just looked at me with her wonderful green eyes. I saw her smile which made me smile.

"Were parnets wouldnt mind?" She said wiping even more tears away. I really just wanted to hug her. But i knew that would be weird since i just met her.

"My dad is at work." I said with a smile. She just looked at me. "My mom is well... not around."

Her eyes just looked at me. Then smiled. God that smile could light up a whole room. I saw her leave her room. I couldnt help but smile knowing that lydia martin was going to my house.

(FANfics_lydia) Our Love Story Is Differnet (stydia)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon