~New mother and sister~

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"She's your new mother..."

Why do I feel like my whole world has stopped? Like everything is just frozen and that one sentence is on repeat in my mind?

Does that mean dad has finally moved on? Will he stop beating me? Who am I kidding, having a girlfriend won't change anything. Besides, I have a feeling Amy is just like him, poor little Jenny seemed as scared as I was.

"So that means, Liam, you will treat her with the same respect you treat me," You mean fear? "You will also do as she says, when she says. Do you understand?"

"Yes father." I said, then Amy said the same thing to Jenny, she said the same thing as me. "Yes mother." Before they both walked out of the front door, giving each other flirty looks. Once they were gone, Jenny sat closer to me, wrapping her arms around me and squeezing her eyes shut.

I moved around, getting off of the couch and crouching down in front of her. She looked up at me, no fear in her eyes, just sadness. "Jenny, sweetie. I need you to tell me the truth okay?" Jenny nodded her head, so I continued. "Does your mommy hurt you?" She didn't move, but I could see the tears in her eyes and her trembling like.

"Does she hit you?" Jenny slowly nodded her head, avoiding my eyes as she looked down at her hands. I carefully lifted her chin up, a tear fell down her cheek as she looked at me. "It's alright sweetie, I'm gonna protect you as much as I can okay? I don't care if I get hit, I want you to be save okay?" Jenny nodded her head again, she leant forward, resting her head on my chest as she lazily hugged me.

I'd just met this girl and yet I already feel like I've known her for years, like she's my actual sister and I feel like I have to protect her. Maybe it's the fact that she's a child? Maybe because I don't want her to feel the same pain I did... I don't know, I just know that I will protect her with my life if it means she won't get hit.


It was three in the morning, dad and Amy had come back around eleven and got straight to it in bed. Luckily dad's bedroom was downstairs, not upstairs like mine. The only thing was, Jenny was sleeping in my room.

Dad hadn't exactly thought about space when he said that Amy and Jenny would be moving in, so Jenny was kind of just shoved into my room. At least now I can protect her more... right?

Jenny moved around slightly, bringing me from my thoughts as I looked down at her. She snuggled closer into my chest, her hands balling up my shirt as her lip started to tremble. I moved my arm so that it was around her, gently rubbing her arm in a soothing way.

Her hands slowly let go of my shirt, her lip stopped trembling and she relaxed. I let a small smile crawl onto my face, something about protecting a child made me feel like I had a purpose, something I've never really had.

But now, I've got Jenny, I've got to protect her. I've got to make sure she doesn't feel the same pain I have felt, because god knows how bad it was. Jenny had something in common with me, we both feared our birth parents, and not respectful fear like it is a lot of the time... no, we fear them. We fear every single day, not ever knowing what might happen, we anticipate for the worst then get literal hell in return.

I looked at the clock, 6:24. I should get ready, I slowly climbed out of bed, placing Jenny down as I walked over to my drawer. I pulled out some clothes before walking into the upstairs bathroom and having a shower.

I was quick, the shower was cold since dad never paid the hot water bill but hey, I'm used to it. Once I was done, I got out, got changed and went back into my room. Jenny was still asleep, I checked the time again. 6:47. I walked over to the bed, sitting beside Jenny as I tried to wake her up. "Jenny, sweetie. You have to wake up, you've got to get ready for school." Jenny eyes opened, as though she had never been asleep.

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