A day in my life (edited)

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" Psst, my mate will have to accept me for who I am, and this is how I dress so again, whom am I trying to impress?" I told him as I walked over and patted his head.

He pulled his head back and tried to bite me, "you have problems, Auden".

"Love you too buddy", I said smiling widely as he hopped off the bed and dumped my leg.

I opened the door to my small living area; I grabbed a handful of money and stuffed it in my pocket.

"Got any new hits?" I asked my wolf as I opened the door that lead to the steps.

"Nothing worth our time", my wolf said as he walked down the steps.

I on the other hand, slid down the railing, with my arms up and called out, "wooooo" as I went not really caring about the other people, human or otherwise in their apartments.

"You're such a child", my wolf scowled a bit picking up his pace.

" You're mad because you're losing!" I called out behind me. As the words left me I heard him speed up, trying to beat me to the ground floor.

I laughed and flipped as I made it to the ground floor a second after my wolf. He puffed out his chest and held his head a bit higher, "yeah, who's your wolf!"

"You're my wolf", I laughed as I messed up his back fur, "I totally let you win, by the way".

His ears flattened on his head for a second, his pride in winning swayed a bit, and then he huffs, "lair".

I laughed more and walked out the apartment, heading for Dunkin Doughnuts for a hot chocolate and a cream filled doughnut, to go. Once I had that I headed for the local gym to work out, since my wolf said we have to be in prime shape in case of an attack. I worked out hard listening to 'I'm Bringing Sexy Back'.

My wolf sat beside me calling me names in my head like, "what the hell is that?", "My nana can beat your ass blindfolded", "do it like a animal", "I will eat your doughnut, if I don't see more sweat". After two hours I was drenched in sweat as I sat up from the mat after doing crunches.

"Good job", my wolf praised me, with his tongue hanging out of his mouth as he sweats as much as me.

If it wasn't obvious already, he feels the same things I do physically, but if we touch it's separate. Like when he bumped me, he didn't feel something bump him in the same spot. I took a quick shower then ate my doughnut and drank my hot chocolate. I walked through the streets, bored, heading back home, as my wolf walked with me. I stood at the bottom of the steps and gazed at my wolf.

"Ready?" I asked my wolf, and then was startled a bit when I heard a familiar voice.

"Talking to yourself again?" Said one of the kids that live in one of the apartments as he came down the steps, with a trash bag in his hand.

I nodded at him and rubbed the back of my neck, "Hey, Billy".

"Hey Auden", he smiled and shook his head. As he headed outside he asked, "you got the new Black Ops?"

"Yeah, come up and play when you're done", I called out then saw my wolf taking a few steps upstairs, I saw Billy nod before the door closed behind him and I ran after my wolf.

"Cheater", I called watching him run up the steps to our floor.

I flopped down on my couch glaring at my wolf as he sat beside me smirking as best as he could, "Not my fault, you weren't paying attention".

I scoffed and started to set up the game. Once I was done, Billy walked into my apartment smiling as he said, "Get ready to lose".

Billy and I played the game for hours, until it was late and he offered me come eat with his family. I shook my head, and ordered pizza. I kept playing by myself getting help from my wolf and ate my large meat lovers' pizza. I played till my eyes stung then went to sleep with my wolf at my side.

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