Part 4

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Conny watched from the sofa as Mycroft opened the door. Molly was holding Zienna whilst Mrs Hudson held Michael. Rosie, Sherlock and William were playing upstairs. Everyone watched carefully as 2 older people came into the room.

"Hello Sherlock. Mycroft. Hello John. How are you all? We are not certain as to the reason of our summons." The woman said.

"Who are they?" Molly whispered to Concordia.

"People I want to forget." Conny whispered.

"You are here to see your daughter." Sherlock spoke harshly.

"Eurus? She is here? She is out?" Mrs Holmes exclaimed.

"Told you." Conny stood up and walked towards the door.

"Concordia. Sit down." Mycroft ordered.

"Mycroft, my parents have just walked into the room and not recognised me. When told they are here to see their daughter they immediately assume that my insane sister is the reason they are here." Conny looked at her parents. "Hiya Mum. Hiya Dad."

"Concordia? We are so glad you are ok, dear. We are pleased to see you have blossomed into a beautiful young woman." Mrs Holmes addressed Concordia.

"Beautiful young woman? That i'm ok? You know absolutely nothing of my life. Did you even realise I ran away? I bet you didn't. I was 11 years old. You completely forgot about me after Sherl left." Before Conny could storm out, Sherlock grabbed her arm.

"Conny. You need to calm down. Yes, you were right. They didn't tell me you had run away. They didn't report you missing to the police. They forgot about you. But I never did. I know you are upset right now but do you want William and Sherlock to see you like this? To hear you shouting at your parents? Calm down." Sherlock spoke softly into her ear. Everyone was silent and watched in awe as Conny turned and hugged Sherlock tightly.

She pulled away and wiped her tears.

"I apologise for shouting. I allowed my emotions to get the better of me." She nodded.

"It's alright dear. We were not the best parents to you at all. You are right. For a while we didn't realise you had gone but when we did, we searched and searched for you. We just never found you. We didn't tell Sherlock because we didn't want to worry him." Mr Holmes looked at Conny with tears in his eyes.

"How long?" Conny whispered.

"I'm sorry?" Mr Holmes asked.

"How long? How long did it take for you to realise I had gone?" Conny begged.

"A few months." Mrs Holmes cried.

"It took you a few months to realise your youngest child, the only daughter you had left, was missing?" Conny looked shocked.

She was about to continue talking when Rosie, William and Sherlock ran into the room.

Sherlock and William saw that Conny was crying and took Concordia's hands and pulled her down to their level. They hugged her.

"It's alright. I'm ok." She pulled back. "Hey. I am fine. I am safe. You are safe." She hugged the kids again and stopped the tears falling down their faces.

"What do you mean safe? Who are these children? Where are their parents?" Mrs Holmes questioned.

"You are looking at their mother." Conny picked up Sherlock and William and took them over to the sofa.

"You are their mother? How could you be so careless... so FILTHY?" Mrs Holmes exclaimed.

"Careless? Filthy? Look in the mirror, love. You had 4 children. One rarely talks to his family. One blocked out memories of his own sister. One is in an insane asylum and you forgot another one. I have 4 kids. I love each and every one of them. That's right. The babies are mine as well. You know nothing of what happened to me when I left. All you know is that a child you were supposed to protect and nurture ran away from you because she hated her life. You know nothing of the torture and pain I have endured. And yet I would go through it all over again if it meant my kids were safe." Conny stated, simply.

Everyone looked at the young girl. They wore expression of shock as she had said everything so simply and plainly without shouting.

"Conny..." Mrs Holmes started.

"Don't call me that. Only Sherl can call me that. And his friends. You cannot." Concordia interrupted.

"Concordia. You are 16 years old. You have not experienced enough life to know what pain is. Now I suggest those children go into the system and you come home, where you belong." Mrs Holmes said severely.

Before another word was spoken Molly and Mrs Hudson took the children out of the room. Sherlock, Mycroft, John and Greg all moved to the edges of the room.


"I don't know what pain is?" Conny said quietly. "Your right. I don't." She took her hoodie off to reveal her scar-littered skin.

"I haven't endured 4 years of torture. Physical and mental. I haven't been abused and assaulted. I haven't cut my own skin. I haven't infected my blood with drugs and alcohol as it was the only thing to stop me going over the egde. I wasn't abducted. I haven't been held against my will for 4 years. I haven't watched as blood dripped down from open wounds on my body. I haven't been raped multiple times. I haven't given birth to SEVEN children, three of which were still-born. I wasn't hit and slapped and punched and kicked and beaten with pipes and whips and chains and other random objects they had on hand. I wasn't stabbed or cut or shot. All these things never happened to me. Of course, you would know my life away from you better than I do."


Tears flooded down Concordia's cheeks as she fell to the floor sobbing and shaking.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Not sure 'enjoyed' is the right word but it is what I am going with.

See you next chapter

-------JellyBean xxx

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