Sick Little Games

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Kellin's POV

I woke up the next morning with am arm around me in a very comfortable bed. Vic is so warm.

I finally decide to open my eyes and get up. Being in bed all day is not how I plan to spend my Saturday, even though I'd love to be laid under Vic all day.

When I opened my eyes I noticed that this wasn't my room. My walls are painted a dark purple and Vic's are painted a dark red. This room looks familiar but I can't remember who's it is?

I try to get up but the arm around me is holding me down.

"Kel baby stop moving. It's too early to get up and I'm trying to sleep."

That voice. Who's voice is this? How much did I drink last night?

Last night. What happened last night. I can't remember anything after the fourth drink I had except for me and Vic dancing and making out.

Fuck. Vic. I got out of the bed and started looking for my phone. Found it. I unlocked my phone and saw that I had 6 missed calls and 10 text from Vic.

From Vic
Kels where are you?
Kel what the fuck?
Kellin are you serious?
Kellin you did this bullshit again I can't fucking believe you.
Fuck it we're over. I'm done. What ever game your playing, I don't want to be apart of it.

After that message I tried calling him but it only went to voice mail. I called two more times but got the same result.

"Kels what are you doing?" Oli?

"I'm leaving. How did I get here?" I replied calmly even though I'm freaking out on the inside.

Oli just looked confused. I don't think anyone is as confused as I am right now. "We drove here. Remember?" He stated like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "I got the invite to the party and when I got there we got into a huge argument then I apologized and you forgave me. One thing led to another and you offered to drive me home. You were pissy drunk so I drove. Then I realized we drove your car and you were too drunk to drive home so I let you stay in the guest room to sleep it off. I was going to go back to my room but you started whiny like a little girl asking me to stay. So I did. I mean we didn't fuck or anything. You passed out and I fell asleep shortly after."

I was still in my clothes. Which I just realized at that moment. So I decided to believe Oli.

"Oli I have to go. I'll see you later." I told him. I needed to talk to Vic. I just hope he'd believe me.

Oli just nodded and told me to lock the door on my way out.

When I got to my car I tried to call Vic again but still received no answer. This time I decided to leave a voice mail.

"Vic baby I am so sorry. Please just let me explain everything." I hung up the phone and started the car. When I did I was greeted with a very loud Mark. What's my age again blasted through my speakers. I turned the radio down because I have a very bad headache. I hate hangovers.

I drove to Vic's house, because I really needed to clear things up with him. We've just got back together and I already fucked up. Stupid.

After what felt like forever I arrived at his house and took out my keys and unlocked the door. When I walked in the living room I said my hellos to Mr and Mrs Fuentes. "Is Vic here?"

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