Young Volcanoes

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Kellin POV:

Ugh, another boring day in my kingdom. Why can't high school be fun for once. Normally on a Wednesday, I'd be talking some peasant into doing my homework for me. Not that I couldn't do it on my own. I just choose not to

But no, as of right now I am currently sitting in detention with none other than my favorite Fuentes, his chocolate brown eyes held the same bored expression as mine.

We were sorta like best friends, hint, why we're both currently sitting in detention right now. How did we get into this? Oh, right. It all started with that evil thing he calls his brother.

****4 hours ago****

"Yo, Kel! What's up, man?" Yelled a very loud Jaime as he and Mike walked up to me.

"Sup, Hime-Time," I said calmly and fist bumped him "Yo Mikey, How's my favorite bitch doing this morning?"

"Go fuck yourself, princess. Would you like me to ask Kate if you can borrow her pink vibrator she keeps in her locker or are you okay with using your fingers this time?"

And with that he and Jaime busted out laughing like it was the funniest thing in the world.

"Fuck you, Mike, you're not funny."

Mike and I have been best friends since freshman year. He was a total bad ass and a complete lady's man. And me being a conceited bad ass slash pretty boy. We hit it off after a very intense argument with Tony about Harry Potter and Luke Skywalker.

Everyone knows that Harry would destroy Luke.

"Anyways Mikey, where's Turtle?"

And as if on que, Tony comes walking down the hall with a very pissed looking Vic.

Great who pissed him off this time?

"Sup Turtle, Hey Vic." Mikey yelled to the duo walking towards us.

I rolled my eyes. Vic may be Mikes brother but he was aggravating.

Tony waved and Vic glared.

Nothing out of the usual.

"Quinn!" Vic yelled. This should be interesting.

"Yes, Victor?"

"Where is my guitar?"

I gave him a confused look as Tony, Jaime, and Mike started laughing.

Was he serious?

"How the fuck am I supposed to know?"

"Last night you, Mikey, and Jaime came onto my room and asked go barrow it to work on some stupid song. I gave it to you and you said you'd give it back before you left. Now I'll ask you again where is my fucking guitar?"

I was still confused. I don't remember holding a guitar last night.

Jaime came next to me and whispered in my ear.

"We played truth or dare last night, remember?"


Realization hit me. Last night we were playing truth or dare and drinking. Tony dared me to hide Vic's guitar. We all know how his temper is and for some mystical reason making him mad seemed funny.


"Kellin," Vic said sternly causing me to smirk.

"Sorry my dear, but I don't have it. I gave it back last night."

"Kels just give it back to him" Mikey said as he saw the hateful look in his brother's eyes.

No one knows where I hid it but me.

This is getting boring. However Vic's expression was the only reason I stayed.

He looks kind of cute when he's mad. I just want to walk over there and kiss him.

Wait! What?!

"Ugh, fine. Give me your car keys."

"My what?!" He asked completely shocked and looked at me like I was crazy. Maybe just a little.

"Keys. So I can get your stupid guitar."

Confused and angry he threw his keys at me and told Mike to go with me in case I tried to steal his car. Bitch please mines is better.

So we walked out of the doors that lead to the student parking lot, where we were stopped by Mr. Way for 'skipping'. Great.

****present time****

Which is why currently Mike and I are sitting here bored in detention. I hate Vic. Then I realized I still have his car keys.

Great more things to piss him off.

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