ii. vivus

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The water closed in around me, the feeling it was suffocating. My lungs screamed for the thing they lacked, oxygen. But what could I do, there was nothing to reach out to. Where's papa? Why did uncle push me into the pool? I don't know how to swim, not even managing to get a gasp of air before being engulfed by the chlorinated substance.

All I got was a mouth full of water, was that going to kill me, maybe. Chlorine was toxic I think. Wait, it wouldn't matter though, I'll die either way, it won't matter. My hands balled up into fists. It was so tight that my nails pierced the skin. My blood seeped out into the water tainting the clear substance. My vision began to blur and all I saw was the darkness taking over me. The heartbeat that once felt it'd burst from my ribcage had slowed. My last moments. Mom, if you're somehow listening, I love you.

Finally, my time has come, maybe in my next life I can have emotions. We'll be a happy family. I finally blanked and felt nothing.


"I'm sorry, there's not much else we can do, we just have to wait for her to wake up, if she wakes up." an unfamiliar voice said in a serious tone.

"What about my brother?" I heard my fathers voice.

"James (L/n) will be taken to court on charges of attempted murder of a minor, and if she does die he'll be charged with 3rd degree murder."

I wanted to yell out I was okay and there was no need to worry. But my body felt limp, everything ached. I was unable to move at all. Sighing inwardly I tried opening my eyes hoping that'd at least work, to which it did luckily. My (e/c) eyes darted around the white room. All I remembered was the water swallowing me up. But it seems I am okay now.


My eyes fluttered open as I sat up covered in sweat. It's okay, I am okay, nothing can hurt me now. Hopefully. No one truly understands the feeling of drowning, unless they've experienced it of course. The water enveloping you dragging you to your demise. Yet people overlook it and just say you're lucky to still be alive. Not me, I wish I died in that watery pit right then and there, nothing is left for me in this world. I only cause others pain and suffering.

That's what I thought at least, most people didn't care about me other than family. My uncle not included for obvious reasons. I ran my fingers through my (h/l) (h/c) locks. Another day, another time to deal with another person's stupidity.

"(Y/n)!" I heard the familiar voice of my aunt. I rose from my bed, stretching my arms above my head and walked downstairs yawning.

"Yes?" I mumbled sleepily rubbing my eyes

"Get ready for school, and hurry up and eat, sweetheart." Amai had said loud enough for it to echo. Since there wasn't loads of furniture, her voice could freely bounce off the walls within the house. Groaning, I stretched my arms above my head and tilted my head to the left then right only to receive a sickening crack of my bones popping. Sucking in a deep breath I swung my legs over the side of the bed as I moved my arms back pushing my shoulder blades together receiving another cracking sound from my bones popping. Jeez, it sounds like my bones are being snapped in half.

Laughing inwardly I began to strip down my clothing while laying the uniform on the bed. My hands trailed to the skirt as I stepped into the leg hole and pulled it up, next putting on the white dress shirt while tucking it into the skirt, then I put on the black blazer, finally to top it all off I put on the pink bow. I had noticed Ayato made his own altercation by tying the ribbon of the bow around his neck. Does he have a choking fetish, looks like I just found my ticket to getting killed. Shit, I'mma be late, I ran down the hall sliding on the tile due to my socks causing me to fall on my ass.

"Whelp, that's what you get for rushing." The ravenette said. She wasn't wrong.



A/N - For each new section, there'll be a break, welcome to the second section

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