sun dust [003]

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The gentle sunlit breeze danced through the curtains and left a fairy soft shiver on Wilbur's bare arms. The tips of his eyelashes turned to gold as his eyes adjusted to the brightness of the room. For a moment, he lay there half conscious and in a state of forgetful bliss. No memories of the night prior blew into his mind, not until he felt fingertips softly press into his chest accompanied by a small sigh.

Eyes trailing down, the soft sight of a sleeping boy blessed his vision. Their legs were tangled, arms pressed up against Wilbur and head resting comfortingly heavy on his chest. The yellow sweater Wilbur had lent to Schlatt was vaguely too big, the barely awake brunet taking this gentle moment to observe the way the sun seemed to sink into the exposed skin. The view almost reminded him of a quiet sunflower absorbing the late sunset's rays, beads of dew shining dully along the delicate petals.

It was a view he wouldn't mind getting used to – if his arms weren't preoccupied with holding this dream of a boy close, he would've reached over to his phone and opened the camera app.

His bedroom was filled with the soothing white-noise of Schlatt's peaceful breaths. Each exhale pushed out warmth, flittering across the small amount of exposed skin on Wilbur's chest and pulling a small smile to his sore lips.

As his eyes trailed further along Schlatt's perfect silhouette, they landed on his dark brunet hair. It was lit as a halo with the sunlight, framing his sleeping face and softening every present feature. It brought attention to the unconscious flush in his cheeks and the way his pink lips seemed barely parted as he slept.

The small smile on his lips grew warm at the sight, his careful hand trailing from the boy's bare waist up and under the sweater, feeling each section of his spine beneath his fingerprints. Schlatt shivered under the touch, sighing as he adjusted his position slightly and gave Wilbur more view to his bare shoulders and neck.

A raised eyebrow later and Wilbur was already admiring the purpled marks littering the shorter's collar bone. They only seemed to make him more attractive and beautiful, a soft olive-redness rushing through him as he thought back to the night prior.

His other hand – the one not currently resting on his lower back – moved to Schlatt's face and lifted him by the jaw to face Wilbur. Having a full view of the man that belonged completely to him filled him with such admiration and pride.

Wilbur's thumb brushed along Schlatt's lower lip, pushing by the dip between it and his chin. His fingers ran across his jaw and the beginnings of stubble growing there, pausing at his cheek. Wilbur let Schlatt's head rest once more on his chest, threading his digits gently through the soft bed hair. His actions woke up the American slowly and it took him a moment to realize this.

There was a small, chocolate coated hum whispered into the silent morning, like a promise shared only between lovers at the perfect times. Schlatt relaxed into the hand in his hair, but Wilbur knew the younger was awake.

"Morning, princess." The voice was quiet enough so only the other could hear him, the peaceful air around them left undisturbed, "Sleep well?"

Wilbur could feel Schlatt's lips curl into an adoring little smile, probably to do with the dumb pet-name he'd used once jokingly in a stream – one that felt years ago. It was a stupid name, but in this newfound circumstance with the amount of affection hidden behind the words, it felt different. The good kind of different.


The rumble of Wilbur's quiet laugh caused Schlatt to drift more out of unconsciousness, "I can tell."

The shorter boy - whose words still melded together due to his sleepiness, whose eyes were barely open though still opting to look up at Wilbur only, whose peach lips parted slightly whenever he was asleep – laughed a 'shut up' under his breath.

Wilbur laughed with him, the hand still resting under his sweater moving down a bit to push Schlatt's body higher on his chest. There was a soft smile gracing the shorter's lips as he leant closer to the older brunet's own.

Wilbur moved the hand tangled in Schlatt's hair down to his jaw, pushing him back a little bit to hold a teasing expression on his face, "Trying to steal kisses so early in the morning?"

Another small snicker filled the air as he watched the boy above him go red and stick out his tongue grumpily. This sort of gentle defiance made him feel dumb and gooey inside, his heartbeat quickening whenever he saw the effect he had on Schlatt in return.

"What, you don't want one?"

There was no verbal reply, only a soft 'mmf!' as their lips met warmly. It was still a bleary kiss, the soreness from overuse the night prior coming back in an addicting little ache. Schlatt kissed back, causing Wilbur to smile against him, eyes already fluttered closed as he ran his fingers back up the American's back.

The kiss broke barely, only allowing a small gasp from the younger brunet to pass between their lips before Wilbur brought him back in via the hand on the back of his head. Schlatt pushed himself more above the Brit, trying to alleviate the dull pain in his neck from craning it up a bit too much. Wilbur's fingers pressed into his bare skin.

When they pulled apart for more than a moment, Wilbur opened his eyes to admire the American. Even though said American still had his eyes closed, the Brit found himself memorizing how his eyelashes lay on his cheeks, or how his lips always seemed so plump after a kiss, or the redness painted on his nose and ears. Everything about Schlatt worked to make Wilbur swoon.

"You're gorgeous," he whispered under his breath, making the other feel embarrassed and hide his head under Wilbur's chin. There was a soft noise that came from the boy's throat, "Baby, don't deny it. You're stunning."

It was muffled, but Wilbur swore he heard a quiet 'stop'.

He decided not to stop.

One hand still ran through Schlatt's hair, the other running its nails down his spine and relishing in the quietened, strained breaths he got in return. Wilbur lay sweet kisses on some of the purple bruises on the others neck, trailing them innocently up to his ear.

"You're so pretty... My pretty princess."

Schlatt scoffed in his place in the crook of Wilbur's neck, pulling away and jokingly glaring at the boy. Wilbur simply smiled dumbly.

"You just ruined the mood. You know I hate that pet name."

The Brit rolled his eyes, leaning forward slightly to brush their lips, "You love it."

"I don't."

"That's not what you said last night."

Schlatt let out a choked sort of gasp-laugh, looking away from Wilbur – half to hide his blushing face and half to emphasise his disapproval. Wilbur laughed with him, squeezing his waist slightly as he grinned.


Schlatt's short response only served in making Wilbur laugh a little bit harder, bringing the American in for a breathy, messy kiss. It took a few seconds of quiet giggling before he could properly plant his lips against the others.

Besides the stupid way it started, the kiss was gentle and loving, full of adoration without the need to rush or the extra problems life seems to give them. Schlatt melted into it, only humming when Wilbur mumbled that cursed pet name against his lips, enjoying the way it felt on the Brit's tongue in secret.

Pushing Schlatt away after a while, Wilbur pressed a silent kiss to his forehead and pulled his body flush against his own.

"I love you, my pretty princess."

"Tsh. I love you too, jackass."


Rewritten, no longer has to do with previous chapter. I made it into like a morning after fic uwu

I nearly doubled the word count when I rewrote this damn

It went from like 700 to 1300,,

Anyway I hope you like the better version :)



final word count: 1 324

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