Liv chokes on orange juice

Start from the beginning

I heaved myself up, and propped myself as I solemnly looked at her. I cleared my throat, "Uhm, Mum.." I commenced.

"Yes, Olivia?" She answered formally, using her critically-acclaimed acting skills as she fakes obliviousness.

"There is only one way that the tub of ice-cream, that I have diligently saved up for, mysteriously disappeared..." I paused, giving her a chance to confess. After seconds of her unrequited, transparent act of obliviousness, I continued on. "You ate it."

"Nonsense," she hastily remarked, turning to the side, lifting her chin up.


"Okay, I surrender. I finished it all as soon as I ended my juice detox," she confessed, her face now tucked in to her chest like a turtle retreating back to its shell.

"Oh, mother," I sighed as I watched her prey-like state.

"Those little bastards, creating something so destructive." She cursed, her lips pursed together as she brought her hands to her mouth.

I tilted my head as I empathized with her, I despised people who promoted the idea that being skinny was the ultimate beauty. "I know. I have no idea why they would those dietitians would tell people to torture themselves for what, a skinny body? No one can be ever happy with that."

My mother's head turned instantly, her eyebrows furrowed together in confusion, "What?"

"Those dietitians, greedy incorporate monsters who feed off people's misery." I repeated, grabbing a bottle of orange juice from the fridge, though it could never compete with the ice cream I longed for.

"No! Not Dr. Howard Hilinsky! I meant Ben&Jerry. I tell you Olivia, they are working for the devil, creating such tool for debauchery!" She dramatically cried in remorse.

"It's ice cream, not Satan." I blankly said, pulling a straight face whilst my mum rolled her eyes. Gosh, sometimes I wonder who's really teenager between us.

I took a huge sip from my orange juice and started walking out of the kitchen. I was about to exit the room, still gulping down the orange juice (because I was abnormally thirsty, god knows why), when mum said,

"Oh I almost forgot, dress nicely tomorrow, you're having lunch with Eric Stratford."

"NHMM?!" I struggled the words out as I choked on the liquid dwelling in my mouth.

I turned to her, my eyes widened, crying for help, but all I received was a feigned smile as she effortlessly stood up and walked away.

By the time I managed to push down every drop of orange juice in my mouth my mother was already elegantly ascending the stair case. She must be a succubus, fueling from the shock and panic I felt because she walked with those stilettos in such a serene manner it was as if she was strolling barefooted.

I clamoured powerfully with all power I could muster up, "ERIC STRATFORD?!"

She ran her fingers on the railing ominously, not even turning around to face me. "The one and only," she declared as she reaches the second floor. She touches the door knob, but hesitated and finally turned her heel and faced me.

"And darling, I expect you to dress like Olivia Ainsley tomorrow, not Kylie Whatever," she gave me a quick smile as she disappears into her office.

"It's Riley!" I corrected, not that it made a difference as she had already slipped into the room.

Next thing I know I was left with my thoughts which were already spiralling around my mind, colliding with each other. I felt breathless as I continued to dwell on the subject of the near future.

Eric Stratford. Ugh, the sound of his name alone makes me want to punch a brick wall.

And if his name is enough to trigger a fiery sensation of anger and violence within me, then may God Almighty help me tomorrow,

because severe divine intervention would be needed for me to stay seated and stop my fist from dislocating his fucking jaw.

Time to go to church.


Firstly, I would like to apologize for ruining the book cover. I absolutely and irrevocably suck at making... pretty things. :/

Secondly, if you have noticed the title change back and forth, I apologize for any confusion. A little fucker whom I call brother saw me write this chapter and saw the title (no one in my family thinks I'm talented (lmao as if) and I'd really like to keep it that way.)



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