Chapter 4: Finding Somewhere to Live

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Tom's POV

As I walked out the house, I noticed Eduardo and Jon watching me.
"He seems happy." Eduardo said sarcastically, sipping his coffee.
"Really? He seems upset–" Eduardo cut Jon off.
"I wish you were dead." Eduardo got into Jon's face when he said that.
Poor, innocent Jon. I thought as I stormed down the street.

~Time Skip~

I was standing in front of a house. There was a sign that said Beware of Dogs.
I completely ignored the sign and knocked on the door anyways. A minute later the door opened and three big black dogs came at the door barking.
"Lame!" I screamed as I ran.

~Time Skip~

I stood in front of this house. It was a pretty house. I knocked on the door.
A minute later the door opened and there was 4 beautiful girls standing there.
They showed me my room and I sighed in content as I fell back onto the bed.
A minute later there was the sound of a plane going by the house. The house shook.

~Time Skip~

I was in an office, there was a guy in front of me.
"So you want to buy a house?" He asked.
I nodded my head and handed him my piggy bank.
The guy grabbed a hammer and hit the piggy bank. It cracked and there was another piggy bank inside of it.
He hit it again and again, until it was the size of my Tommy Bear. (Correct me if I'm wrong)
He hit it one final time and a lot of cash came out of it.

~Time Skip~

I was in my new house. It wasn't as big as Edd's house, but it was the perfect size for me.
"Home sweet home!" I said, smiling.

Word Count: 295

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed the chapter! I'm sorry it's so short! I wasn't able to rewatch EddsWorld The End Part 1. So I don't exactly remember everything that happened.
Also, I write my stories on my tablet, and my tablet has an ass load of cracks on it. So I can't fix some mistakes because my tablet acts up so much. I can't even get the delete button to work a lot of the time.
Don't forget to comment,vote,and follow! Be safe my little demons and angels! 😇 😈

~Friendly Graclin

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