
Start from the beginning

Wyatt had broken away from his sister's embrace and ran over in my direction, quickly wrapping his arms protectively around the girl and I.

He glared in the direction of the intruder, and that alone put me on edge.

The wolf I held in my arms whimpered at the sudden change of mood and grasped her small hands tighter into my shirt, her nails tearing into the fabric of my clothes and slightly scratching my skin.

She was scared and for that I was automatically irritated by the intruder who I knew all too well.

Gosh darn it Zed.

With his pale skin illuminated by the bright moonlight and his bright green hair standing out form the wolves' silver streaks, his was almost obnoxiously out of place.

This made it easy for me to recognize him, the zombie that was currently putting everyone on edge.

He ran towards Addison and I in a reckless abandon while clutching onto his wrist.

Wyatt hastily pulled me back and away from Zed. He silently signalled to his pack and within a second the bodies of a dozen wolves surrounded us.

The unsettling feeling in my stomach grew when I noticed Wyatt's eyes shine gold, and although it was a beautiful sight the scowl he wore with it was menacing.

The wolves that formed a barrier around me snarled at Zed, their claws extending and their eyes shining the same gold color as Wyatt's.

Standing next to Addison, Zed turned towards us with a threat of his own.

"Don't make me take this off you don't want to see me zombie out!"

My thoughts of irritation halted for a moment as I assessed the situation. Catching a glimpse of the what seemed to be his broken Z-band, I broke out into a cold sweat.

He was threatening to take his off his Z-band.

Being someone who has witnessed his untamed zombie side I shivered, this time with fear, and huddled up closer to Wyatt.

It had only happened once before, and the chaos that followed was not pretty.

And this wasn't a football field.

It was the wolves' home. With children and elders.

Wyatt, who still held me close, sensed my discomfort with Zed's threat, causing him to fume with anger. His face turned red and smoke practically came out of his ears.

The boy who I had found comfort in took a menacing step towards Zed, who did his best to stand his ground as he stood next to my cousin.

My zombie friend was too blinded by confidence and his current actions to realize Allison was afraid.

Of his actions.

And so was I.

Everything was too much.

I had my attention on the zombie who threatened my new freinds, on the boy who's arms I was wrapped up in, on the girl who was still whimpering in my arms, and on my own fear.

I almost didn't notice the wolf girl- who had stood protectively at my side all this time- step forward and snarl, letting her eyes gleam and sharp fangs show.

This had set Zed off.

Flinging his wrist, the piece of metal that had kept him from wrecking havoc on the wolf den had been discarded on the dusty cave floor.

Zed twitched and spasmed as the rogue zombie energy surged through his veins, which became more prominent on his pale skin.

Hearing Zed let out a growl of his own, Wyatt pulled me back some more, and the girl in my arms let out a cry.

𝚂𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚍𝚊𝚢 ||Zombies 2|| [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now