Then I felt it.

It all happened so fast.

First a hand on my shoulder, then one over my mouth.

"Don't scream"

Then through my slightly teary eyes I realized whoever had grabbed me, pulled me outside onto the porch.


My brows furrowed as I recognized the name. After that being said the hands holding onto me let go.

"Too much?"

Hearing the feeble voice of the werewolf I had recently befriended I rapidly blinked away the tears forming in my eyes, wanting to know who else was here at the front of my house.

My eyes finally adjusted to the dark atmosphere, and I saw them.

The pack of werewolves that only a few hours ago had danced their hearts out onto the gym floor.

"Too much" Willa confirmed. The teen wolf held her arms firm by her side as she stood in front of her pack, an intense but not scary look on her face.

I averted my eyes to look at the werewolf I am closest to. Wyatt stood next to his sister with his hands in his pockets, shoulders slouched noticeably in an attempt to ease the tension. His stance was the complete opposite of his sister's, who now stood with her arms crossed, shoulders back, and hip jutted out to the side.

Finally feeling my breathing return back to normal I let out a small sigh. "Was there a reason why you had to break into my house?"

The questioned lingered for only a moment. It was my turn to glance sternly at the people in front of me.

The answer I received was just a group glance at Wynter, who cowered a bit behind me.

"Wynter didn't exactly, understand, our order" Wyatt explained, telling me that frightening me and breaking and entering was not the plan of action.

The female wolf leaned closer to my ear, stuttering out a quick "sorry" before hopping off the porch to join her friends on the front lawn.

The bright moonlight and the porch lights (which have movement sensors) made it so that I could clearly see the serious looks on the pack's faces.

"Come with us"

My eyes widened incredulously at this statement. My reaction differing from Willa's, who was the one who spoke those words.

"Why?" I asked.

"It's important" Willa snipped back.

"And so are you"

I wanted to laugh at Wyatt's statement, hoping this was some type of friendly joke, hoping to see some smiles and relaxed expressions in the crowd. But no, this was serious.

And so I weighed the two options.

One, going with them. Maybe they'll be lenient with me for whatever this is. But then, if I don't come back at a reasonable time, surely someone would notice. And not only would I be in trouble, but the wolves as well.

Two, refusing to go with them. This option could end two ways. Either they actually respect my decision, with an exchange of 'goodbye's and 'goodnight's. Or they don't and I will be forced to go with them. Rendering my option weighing useless.

I trust them.

Well actually I trust Wyatt.

But the consequences of the first option is what sticks in my brain. I wouldn't want them to get into trouble for something I could've controlled, especially since now I consider some of them to be my friends.

𝚂𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚍𝚊𝚢 ||Zombies 2|| [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now