chapter 3

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" Pavel....I... I like you...." Dome started.

Pavel looked at Dome " Dome I like you too but what's wrong" asked Pavel once again.

"never mind" Dome responded trying to get up.

Pavel grabbed his arm again but Dome lost his footing and landed right on top of Pavel. Both guys staring into each others eyes not saying a word.

After a moment, Dome Was starting to get hard and he shifted before Pavel could feel it. He sit up blushed red in the face.

" Did he get hard right now" Pavel thought.

Dome started to get up again when Pavel grabbed his hand. This sent a feeling thru Domes body and Pavel noticed it. Pavel got up and looked at Dome in the eyes still holding his hand.

"Dome can I try something with out you getting mad?" Pavel asked

Dome slowly nodded

Pavel leaned in closer to Dome. He was hopeing that would turn out like he wanted.

Pavel leaned in and kissed Dome very softly at first then soon he wanted more. He tried to open Domes mouth with his tounge and soon Dome allowed him in. What started off as a slow kiss was now one both were fighting for dominace. Soon Pavel was pushing Dome to the wall never breaking the kiss for one second. Both kissing like it was the time they would see each other. After a while, they broke from kissing trying to catch their breath. " I have to admit something" Pavel spoke first after catching breath. Pavel looked at him with lust in his eyes and said " i've been wanting to do that for a while now. Dome looked at Pavel shocked. " How long have you felt this way?" Dome asked. "Honestly" Pavel started "since before we wrapped up shooting the series" Dome was silent. " so you mean to tell me..." Dome started "Yes" Pavel stated. " I like you too. that's why I grabbed your ass all he time."

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