Chapter 2

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Pavel had woken up and looked at the clock it read 7:45 am. " Dam I feel like shit" he thought. He got up went to the bathroom to relieve himself, brushed his teeth took a shower and put some boxers on. He grabbed his phone and looked at his missed message. " What should I do " he thought as he looked at that message. He really missed Dome but he was still upset also. " Dammit " he said out loud. He hit reply " Yeah I think we do. im at the resort. Do you remember the address?" and hit send.

Dome was in the bathroom when he heard his phone go off. He didn't sleep well last night. He picked up the phone and it was from Pavel. He smiled a small smile and texted back. " Ill be there in a hour. need anything? are you hungry?"

Pavel's phone went off and he looked at it and smiled. he texted "No don't need anything...I will wait for you and we can have breakfast here if you safe see you in a hour."

A hour later Dome was pulling into the resort and he was greeted by Pavel. " Hey" Pavel said when Dome got out of the car. " Hi " Dome replied. " want breakfast? " asked Pavel " yeah " replied Dome.

Both guys were uneasy and didn't know what to say. They went and sat down at the table. The waitress took their order and went to get their drinks.

" Are you still mad" asked Pavel

" not really" replied Dome

" Do you want to talk now or after we eat?" Pavel asked.

" Lets wait " Dome replied. Pavel nodded.

They ate their food in silence and walked back to Pavel's room.

Dome started. " im sorry I yelled at you yesterday. I had no right to do that. I should have asked you to stop grabbing my ass all the time."

Pavel looked to Dome " Can I ask you something Dome"

Dome nodded.

" I have grabbed your ass several times over the last year, why is it that you say something just now." Pavel stated.

"Its....complicated" was his reply.

" How the hell is it complicated Dome? Just answer the dam Question" he yelled.

" I I think I need to leave sorry Pavel." Dome said as he got up and started toward the door.

Pavel grabbed his arm and slung him back around. "not till you fucking talk to me. Tell me what the fuck is going on"

Both looked at each other neither breaking the glare.

"Pavel lets drop this please" Dome told him with tears in his eyes

" Dome please im sorry I yelled just tell me what's going on" replied Pavel in a soft voice.

Dome looked down to the floor and Pavel could see he was struggleing with what he wanted to say.

" Pavel...."

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