Chapter Fourteen-Admissions

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"Luc!" I cried with my heart in my throat. I took a step toward him before being restrained by men on either side of the door.

I struggled desperately to get to him but Eli and Emilian stepped out of the shadows of the room and moved toward me. Eli's grin stretched across his face as I raised my narrowed gaze to his eyes. Absolute hatred slammed through my soul as I looked upon the man who had killed my parents and hurt my husband simply for revenge.

"What have you done to him?" I asked through clenched teeth as I tried to keep my temper from exploding. I raised my chin realizing that I was still new at transitioning and anything could release the beast. So, I had to be careful.

Luc forced his head up to gaze at me. Remorse covered his face. Bruises were visible over every inch of his skin. It was obvious that he'd been beaten nearly to death. He blinked swollen eyes as he struggled against his bonds to no avail. His head dropped forward defeated as a single tear fell slowly down his cheek.

"No," he whispered as he renewed his struggle against the chains and then, cried, "Mary Jane, no."

I returned my gaze to Eli, who shrugged, "We subdued him," he said with a laugh, "You should be proud we didn't kill him. It is what I wanted to do, after all, but Fiona is soft-hearted toward this family."

I pursed my lips, "You still tortured him," I said, glancing back at Luc as I tried to keep from trembling. It hurt to see Luc in so much pain. I could barely stand it.

"I had to have my fun," Eli said and then, glanced at Emilian with a grin, "So did he."

"Aurora and Lilly told me how cruel you were," I said raising my chin as I took in Emilian's appearance. It was amazing how much Aurora resembled him with the same black hair and silver eyes. However, Aurora had kindness in her stare. Emilian had the eyes of a predator...cold and calculating. My nostrils flared as I said, "You are just as bad as they said."

"So, they've told you stories about me?" He asked with raised brows.

"Like I said...It was nothing good," I said as he took a step toward me. I felt the grip of the men's hands tighten against my arms, causing me to wince in pain. As if he'd felt it, Luc began to struggle again.

"Let me go," I said through my teeth and I was surprised when they did and returned to guarding the door. I turned back to Eli with no hopes that my next request would be answered, "Now, release Luc."

"No," he said, taking a step toward me. He reached out and caressed my cheek. I cringed away from him and he gave a short laugh, "But we will keep him alive until we can break the bond between you."

I nearly sagged in relief but instead, raised my chin so that I could stare into his eyes, "You can't break the bond I have with Luc," I said, raising my brows, "It's unbreakable. I've bonded every way I can with him...Including the blood bond which I wouldn't have had to do if you hadn't have shot him with an arrow."

Emilian laughed, "You could have chosen not to and let him die. There was that choice. And the blood bond is not unbreakable," he said, glancing at Fiona, "It is still difficult to break but able to be achieved. Until then, we'll have to endure this Brazil dog's presence."

I glanced at Luc, who raised his head. Most of the bruises were beginning to heal already and I willed some of my strength into him as I moved my gaze back to the two men in front of me.

"How do you break the bond?" I asked, terrified of the prospect.

Eli shook his head, "Do you think I would tell you?" He asked with a grin, "You must think I'm really stupid."

I smiled, wryly and then, shrugged, "Yes, I do think that...among other things," I said.

A hand slammed against my mouth causing my head to whip to the side. I immediately tasted blood. I sensed Luc's reaction before I saw it. The monster was close but they still thought he was subdued. A strange scent wafted from him burning my nose and I realized why. They had bled him. My eyes drifted down to the drain beneath him as my heart broke.

I inhaled sharply as Eli whispered in my ear, "Do not ever speak to me that way again," he said, angrily.

"How do you expect me to speak to you?" I asked, finally able to move my eyes upward to his face, "You killed my parents."

He smiled wickedly, "They shouldn't have gotten in my way," he said with a short laugh, "It was their fault...Though I will admit that I enjoyed every single moment of it."

I trembled with rage as I sneered, "I suppose you think that would make me want to marry you," I said through clenched teeth, "Instead, I loathe you. I want you to die and I want you to suffer."

His eyes narrowed dangerously, "It sounds as if you've decided how you feel about me. I suppose you think that you know how you feel about this dog when you are bonded with him. As you know it can create the illusion of love."

I straightened my spine as I glanced at Luc, "We'll leave the delusion of love to Fiona," I said and Emilian straightened, "I know how I feel and it has nothing to do with the bond."

"How is that?" Eli asked narrowing his eyes.

I moved my gaze to Luc as my heart clenched. I had realized how I felt about him the moment I stepped into the room. No bond could make me react to his pain the way I did.

I raised my chin as Luc met my eyes. I felt the tears surface as one fell slowly down my cheek. I didn't move my gaze as I said the truest words I had ever spoken.

"I'm in love with him. The reason why I blood bonded with him was that I was in love with him and didn't want to lose him," I said as Luc's eyes widened and a wolf's howl broke through the air.

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