Chapter One- The Meeting

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Hello, Lovelies,

I just wanted to say thank you again.  I hope you like this chapter.  If you do, please let me know by helping that star rock orange.  Comments are appreciated and if you have a question, comment or leave me a message.

-XXXX Amanda 


I stayed in the seat next to my father during the rest of our journey. I tried not to show a reaction when the sign announcing our arrival in Timbly Mountain came into view but my father still reached over and grasped my hand in his trying to give me reassurance. I glanced at him in time to see his strained smile and I tried to return it even though I was afraid. I couldn't face him for long and was thankful when he turned back toward the road allowing me to stare out of the window once more.

We passed a town with more shops in the same two-story fashion as the other towns we had traveled through but these were painted brightly in different pastel colors and they fit in one very long row against the mountain face. I couldn't deny that it was quaint and beautiful.

Still, I tensed as the row of town shops ended and the mountain began to show signs of descending into fields and homes. I had realized we were close even before my father pointed at a motor home park which was located across a large field at the base of the mountain. There was a forest on the other side and the back.

"That's the motor home park that Sophia and Gavriel own," he said, smiling almost wistful.

"Sophia and Gavriel?" I asked as I tried to conjure their names from my memory.

"Luc's parents," he said and then, caressed my cheek before smiling, "They're going to love you."

I opened my mouth to speak but I was interrupted by the long, mournful cry of a wolf. I turned glancing out of the window and my blood froze when I saw a pack of over thirty wolves stalking our motor home. Their scent surrounded us and instantly, I inhaled. A frown crossed my brow. The scent was different from ours but worse, there was something wrong with it. I inhaled again and realized the reason. Their scent mixed with the aroma of human blood.

"Daddy, are they part of Luc's family?" I asked, hoping that the warning sliding through me was wrong but my father's face had paled considerably telling me that it wasn't.

"No, Mary Jane," he said with a worried frown, "They aren't. They are from another that doesn't like ours."

I glanced out of the window with wide eyes as they began to move closer and closer to our motor home, "If they don't like us, why are they here?" I whispered as a tremble worked through me.

"We're being attacked," My father said through clenched teeth as he stared out of the windshield, pushing the motor home to stay ahead of them.

"We're being...what?" I asked, blinking rapidly as I glanced out toward as the wolves tried to run alongside the motor home. Another tremble worked through me as I peeked back at my mother who had begun to scream into a phone that had lost signal. Tears burned my eyes as I realized she was pleading for help.

My father's voice caught my attention again and I turned to him hoping that he had a solution, "Mary Jane," he said, glancing at me with wide eyes, "You're going to have to be brave and do everything I ask you to."

I nodded, trying to push away the terror that was rising in my throat to choke me, "I will, Daddy."

He nodded, causing a tear to fall down his cheek. When he spoke, his voice trembled, "When we get to the entry of the motor home park you're going to have to jump and then, run. Get help," he said but even though I had agreed to do as he said, I had begun to shake my head.

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