I turned back around and fixed my shirt and ran my hand through my hair before opening the door to Tasha, who looked very tired and very upset.

"Gerard, I need help." She didn't finish her sentence before bursting into tears.

I pulled her inside and closed the door behind her. "What's wrong?"

She hung her face in her hands. And I glanced back to Frank, he was just as confused as I was. I guess I should have waited until she calmed down a bit to ask questions, because she definitely couldn't answer me right away.

"I'll make her some tea." Frank said, going to the small kitchen area.

I lead Tasha to the bed and sat her down, taking my jacket off of my bag and hanging it over her shoulders. I'm not all that great at the whole comforting thing.

"What happened?" I asked, softer this time.

After recomposing herself, she wiped her cheeks and looked at me. "I got a phone call. A threat, from Pete Wentz."

I swallowed roughly. He wouldn't- ...oh, yes he would. "What did he say?"

"He said that I have to leave town." She sniffed, tugging the jacket around herself. "He mentioned some... things, Gerard. Things I've never told anyone." She looked at me and whispered "How does he know that stuff?"

"He's got people everywhere." I sighed. 

She swallowed and took a deep breath. "I don't like asking for things, but-"

"Anything." I said instantly. "This is my fault. I'll help any way I can."

She sighed and smiled weakly. "I just need some money to get to my sister's place."

I stood and went to my bag as Frank handed her a steaming cup of black tea. The tea the hotel gives. We never drink them, just the coffee, but he'd been saving the tea bags and stashing them. I never thought it'd pay off. 

She took it and thanked him quietly, and he nodded and went to the small office chair in the corner to give her as much space as he could.

I handed her about a thousand in cash. "This will get you to your sister." 

She took it slowly, then looked up at me. "I don't need this much."

"I know." I put my hand on her shoulder. "I want you to have it. Do you have a car?"

"I've got mine." She nodded. Then, taking a quick drink of her tea, she pulled out a key from her pocket. "This is the key to my apartment. Can you get the green box in my bedroom closet and ship it to me?"

"Of course." I took the key, keeping it in my fist. "Is there any way I can help you, before you leave?"

"Oh, dear, Gerard." She hugged me and kissed my cheek. When she pulled away she smiled at me sadly. "You've already helped so much."

I couldn't bring myself to smile back. This was my fault, I only felt guilty. I glanced down at the key in my hand and looked back up at her. "I'll need an address or a P.O. box."

"Oh- right." She pulled out a paper and handed it to me.

I gave it a quick once over. "Illinois?"

She nodded and took a slow drink of her tea, staying quiet. We all sat in the melancholy silence for a while, the only sound being the AC unit in the wall turning on with a metallic clank noise that it probably shouldn't make.

"I have to get to the airport." She said, looking down at the cash in her hand. She looked up at me and flashed her pretty smile. "Goodbye, Gerard."

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