Strings of Love

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"(y/n)?" Shinso said.

You awoke still in the hospital room.

"Hey...I brought-"

"What is this!" you said grabbing Kohana.

"That's our daughter."

"Is 'daughter' edible?"

Shinso looked shocked and smiled.

"No. She's not. She's a baby."

"Well it looks yummy." you said hugging her.

Kohana made a noise and Shinso took her away from you.

"Maybe it's time for you to eat." he said.

He took out a ziploc bag filled with fruits.

"Here. Eat them."

You took out a grape and ate it.
Enjoying your snacks a knock was heard.

"Come in!"

A nurse opened the door. Beside her was Shigaraki.

"Y-You wanted to see him right? Miss (y/n).."

You looked at them, "BROTHER!" you yelled lifting your arms accidentally smacking Shinso's face.

"(y/n)...." Shiggy said.

"What happened to your arm!" you said.

When you guys fought that nomu Shiggy ended up breaking his left arm. You however ended up having memory loss.

"You're the only thing she remembers." Shinso said.

"Maybe because I was the last person with her. I mean we fought the nomu together. Might've impacted her brain only to remember me." Shiggy said.

"Either way, she claims you're her real brother. Doesn't Pay attention to anything but you."


"Shiggy look its a daughter." you said pointing at Kohana.

"That's Kohana."

"Kohana...." you squinted your eyes and poked Kohana's cheek. She giggled.

"Gah! It talks!"

Shinso smiled. He really misses you. The new you just didn't see it.

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