Far from home

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Me a mother to a girl I never had.
"Say hi Eri." Kai said.
The girl seemed worried. And let out a small wave.
"Say it with your mouth!" Kai said. He seemed stressed out. The girl whined a bit. Before letting a cry out as saying hi. Kai shoved her to the floor. Making Mirio break out of my arms. He got the little girl and backed up. He was mad.
"Don't TOUCH HER!!" Said Kai screaming.
I went over to him. I hugged him. Kai started to cry im my arms.
"I just wanted to live a good life with you. You left me behind to suffer. Everyone was dead and a disease was there. I felt sick. I just needed you to be my medicine. You wasn't there. You know how much I missed you." he cried a bit more. "Let's run away together. You, me, Eri. And that child of yours. Please come back with me. I promise to be a good boyfriend and a dad. Please princess. Come with me and we won't suffer."
I hugged him saying nothing.
"Calm down though honey. You're stressing out." i said.
Hearing those words he smiled and kissed me. I pulled him away. We got up and took Eri. As I whispered to Mirio.
"This is my chance to save Midoriya. Warn the others. I won't betray. Promise."
"Ok. Be careful...sister. I'll tell the others. We'll come soon."
I turned around hugging Eri in my arms. Made me think of my child. Still didn't know what gender was it.
"Shall we go." i said.
"Yeah.." kai said happily.
And we left. Looking at Mirio who was gone already. Taking a deep breath and challenging of what was coming in my way.

*This next few scenes might be gruesome and disturbing. You've been warned.

We got back to were it all started. The lab. It smelled awful. Rot shit as I can describe it. We entered the gates of my hell. As we walked Eri let out a weep. She hugged me more tightly.
"Hey..don't worry I've got you." i said.
"Your mom is protecting you. And me too" Kai said.
We entered the mansion. It was dusty and the sunlight reflected the place making it seem less scary. As we entered the back hall leading to the lab. I noticed the room where the asshole tried to rape me. Kai noticed it too. He glanced at me giving me a raised brow. I looked away from him.
We went out and noticing the nature I got to see was destroyed. Yeah there was grass but everything was covered in dust looking like a desert. When we got to the doors, Kai began to cough a bit. Gosh was he making it cute. Now now. Calm my ass down. He gave me and Eri some mask. Telling us he didn't want to deal with us getting sick. As walking in this place looked like a abandoned asylum. We past some rooms. Seeing the cribs and abandoned rooms gave me the chills. Passing a room with a rotten body. Oh gosh. I immediately closed Eri's eyes. And there was even more bodies. All messed up covered in dried blood. Bugs surrounding them. It made me want to throw up and made Kai force himself to cough. It was too much. Seeing a tiny body in a incubator. That was a baby. Dead.

*This is not gruesome. This is normal.

Eventually we left. Left behind our memories.
"Are you hungry princess?" Kai asked.
I nodded saying yes.
"You to Eri?"
"Yea.." she said.
I smiled at her still hugging her. She got used to me. We ended up buying some curry. And ate in 'Kai's office'. There was a couple of villains and he introduced me to them.
"So that's your princess" one said.
"Or queen" the other continued.
"That you always talk about?" they all said together.
"Yeah. My diamond." Kai said blushing.
"See he talks about you non-stop." one said.
"Sometimes it gets annoying" the other said.
After eating Eri wanted to play. Asking Kai. He said no in a mean way.
"You didn't have to say it like that." i said, "Don't ask him. Ask me. He won't try to give you the love you need." I grabbed her and started to doodle. She drew me and her, together, happy.
"Uh..Overhaul..The annoying handy kid is here." said the villain.
Pshh the hell. Who is handy kid. What. A. WEIrdooo.
This bitch was not other than....

My BROTHER!! Shigaraki!

Yeah it's short Sorry but Its midnight im tired.

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