Chapter 53 - A graduation

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Alright my little balls of sunshine,

Here's a little update from me. A big message from author-chan.

As some of you might know I live in Germany and since the number of the infected has been rising (even in my town) exponentially my country has put out some drastic measures to stop the Coronavirus from spreading uncontrollably.

Since I'm an early childhood educator and all the kindergardens and schools are closed, I am currently not at work, like many others. Some crazy people have begun buying heaps of toilet paper, you have to keep at least a 1,5m distance from other people outside and playgrounds are closed. Cafés, restaurants and cinemas are closed. You're not allowed to meet with more than one person outside. Anyone who doesn't keep to those terms has to pay a fine. My husband and I are unscaved so far but to avoid spreading the virus to my very old father-in-law (who lives with us) we chose to quarantine ourselves. Nobody I personally know is infected although one had contact with one person and was quarantined for a long time. Bless his soul, he lives alone without a pet. Kept him sane through discord. It is a very strange time right now but on the bright side, I have time to write.

I don't know where all of you are around the world, but please for your sake, stay healthy, avoid social contacts (don't get infected and don't infect others), wash your hands (that kills the virus) and avoid touching your face when you are outside. It is, as I quote the "in a nutshell: Coronavirus" video (which I highly recommend), all in our hands, literally and figuratively!

Aside from the point that a Pandemic is happening, the Haikyuu manga is slowly approaching its end. Also, my dear Tamiko now is officially a character that can't fit into the story anymore.

Kageyama Tobio has an older sister named Miwa (a hairdresser) and his grandfather (a coach) was his greatest inspiration to play volleyball. His bitterness from his last middle school days can be explained by the death of his beloved grandfather.

But I'm undeterred. I'll keep writing as hard as I can to keep you guys company through these hard times. Again I want to say, please stay healthy and if you think the virus can't effect you, please keep in mind that you can give it to your grandparents.

On the sidenote, I want to give a shout out to my parents and all the other countless people who are working so hard to diagnose and care for all the patients

Love you guys. Your comments also cheer me up.

Thank you so much!!!!


Chapter 53 - A graduation

"Make sure to sit straight when you play," Shiyori said.

"Yeah," Tamiko groaned, as she slipped into her shoes.

"And be careful not to crease your uniform when you sit down," she added.

"Yeah," she groaned once more.

"And one more thing before you go," Shiyori added.

"What is it?"

Tamiko turned around to face her mother, frowning a little. Shiyori and Tobio both looked at her. It has been a week since their mother had moved in again. From then on it had become a little livelier in the house. The hum of the vacuum could be heard, even when Tamiko was upstairs. There were conversations done in the house, even when one sibling had bunkered themselves in their bedroom. It wasn't Tamiko anymore who called Tobio down for dinner. The scent in the house had also changed. Shiyori's usual perfume had mixed itself with the scent of the Kageyama household. It was unfamiliar, yet so pleasant at the same time.

Now her mother stood before Tamiko and let her eyes wander over her figure. Her arms were crossed as usual. Shiyori still didn't feel at all comfortable opening up fully to her daughter, to be defenceless and at ease before her. In turn Tamiko wasn't yet comfortable to let her mother close. Yet they did small steps every day.

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