Chapter 2

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      The alarm clock rang, buzzing into my ears like the school bell. I hated school, even if I was smart. On a day like this, I would rather hang out with the gang and maybe try to get picked up. Knowing me, that would never happen.

      I'm not like Barb or Spag, I'm more skinnier with less of a build. Barb really knows how to get guys, along with Spag and her pretty smile, but I have never gotten a guy in my life. I was always the one in the shadows, watching everyone else get a one night stand.

     Not me. Not Peggy.

     I quickly changed and ran to the bathroom, hoping my older sister wouldn't see me. Usually when I get into the bathroom first, she starts banging on the door, forcing me out. I brushed my teeth, listening for the door.


     Once I put my hair up, I walked out of the bathroom and saw no Anna Garner. Where is she? I walked to the kitchen where I saw my mother. She wasn't bad but she didn't care about anything that Anna does to me.

      Anna doesn't like attitude, and I have a lot of it. Half the time, my mom thinks I get the bruises and cuts from playing around at school. She thinks I'm a troublemaker, which I'm really not.

     "Eat quickly or else you'll be late to school, again." Mom said with a sigh. I grabbed my plate and sat down. I'm only late to school when Anna decides to drop me off on the other side of town. I always comply because I didn't want another beating from her later that night. I know she's my older sister, but she's good at taking advantage, plus father taught her how to fight.

     Not me. Not Peggy.

    Once I finished my food, I put the plate in the sink and ran for my backpack. "Mom, where is Anna?" I asked. "She had to go in early for Cheer." Mom responded. "Oh, that's odd. Usually practice is after school for two hours." I responded with curiosity.

     "I don't know, it was what the coach said." Mom said. "Now go, you don't want to be late." Mom added.

     "Oh, okay Mom." I said as I put my backpack on my shoulder and left the house.

     Now Anna will be home all day after school. At least I get to walk to school with no interruptions. Or at least that's what I thought. Wendy and Wanda saw me walking and immediately ran towards me.

     "Hey Peggy, walking alone?" Wanda asked.

     "Yeah, my sister went in early for Cheer." I said. "That's good, we don't want what happened last time to happen again." Wanda said. "Heh, yeah." I said with a grunt in my throat.

     We talked all the way to school. I knew they just wanted to take my mind off of Anna, but it isn't so easy. I know my friends' lives aren't any better, but I just want to be away from Anna, and so do they.

    Once we showed up, I saw Anna and her cheer friends talking at their lockers, which was sadly near mine and Wendy's. I tried to not look at Anna or her friends, and so did Wendy. As I was about to close my locker, it shut tight itself.

      I looked to my left and saw Anna there with a tight look on her face. "I half expected you not to show up." She said with a grin. "No Anna, I'm still coming to school." I said. "You shouldn't have." Anna said with a smirk. "And why is that?" I asked with a tone. "You know why." Anna responded as her friends showed up.

     "Just leave her alone will ya?" Wendy said. "Oh look, it's one of her stupid friends. What do you want fuzzball?" Anna asked. "Shut up! Get out of here!" Wendy yelled. She was getting mad.

    "Someone is getting angry. You're making a scene buck." Anna said. "Stop calling me that!" Wendy said as she slammed her hand on her locker. I stood there in disbelief.

     "Okay squirt, we aren't done with you yet. And I'm coming for you later Peggy." Anna said with her last death look. She walked off with her friends as everyone else was staring. At us.

    "Why did you do that?" I asked. "She pisses me off Peggy, I'm not going to let her hurt you again. You hear me?" Wendy asked. "Yeah Wendy, thanks." I said with a grin. "No problem." Wendy said with a slight grin.

    The bell rang, which meant we had to be in class. "Shoot, see you later Peggy!" Wendy said as she walked to class. She strutted off in a better mood.

    Wendy usually lets her sister speak in situations like these, but she had enough of Anna's shit, just like me. She's proud of herself, and so am I.

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