Family (Nodrian, No Supernova Spoilers)

Start from the beginning

No one knew Nova still cried for her mom.

No one was able to hear her. Everyone was too involved in themselves and their gadgets and own projects to care.

Nova wondered what would have happened if they had lived. If they were saved by the Renegades.

As a person who didn't sleep, Nova thought about it at night.

Her mom and dad would have gained more success, with her dad's inventions and her mom becoming a world-famous chef. They would have moved into a nice, big house, right next to Simon and Hugh's house, in the rich neighborhood. Nova and Evie would be best friends and would do everything together.

Maybe Nova and Evie would get a brother. And a kitten.

And after a long day of work for both her parents, they would come home and enjoy a nice meal at the dinner table.

Nova closed her eyes, trying to stop the tears.

Like Ace said, crying won't bring them back.


Adrian was ten years old.

He still thought about his mom sometimes. He still missed her.

But every time he felt an emotional breakdown coming on, he found Simon or Hugh. And if it was at school, he had friends he could talk to.

Sometimes he wondered what would have happened if his mom had lived.

Would she marry someone who loves Adrian as much as she does?

Would she have more children?

Or maybe that was never possible? Even if she had survived, her job was dangerous. Maybe death was always the case, just a matter of when.

Adrian swore that he would give up everything just to have his mom for a few more days.

He would be sure to hug her more. He would tell her he loved her constantly. He would make sure she knew how much she meant to him.

He would make sure she got as much love as she gave him.


Nova is sixteen years old.

She's an anarchist.

And she is ready to get revenge on the so-called superheroes who promised to keep her family safe.

To get revenge on the people who let her family members get murdered. She hoped her family would be proud. Her mother, especially.

Nova had one thing on her mind. And she would not fail.

The renegades won't know what hit them.


Adrian is eighteen years old.

He's a renegade.

He is hard at work keeping the citizens of Gatlon safe. He knew his mom would be proud. Simon and Hugh were.

He had one thing on his mind. Saving people, and he would not fail.

The bad guys won't know what hit them.


Adrian and Nova are sixteen and eighteen respectively.

Both had goals. Both had ideas.

Both fell in love.

With the enemy.

Neither of them knew what hit them.


This one kind of came out of nowhere.

I had all these ideas and my brain was like 'nope, let's do a completely new one'. I tried to make this one poetic. It may not be poetic, but I still like it.

I mostly wanted to illustrate the different parenting each character got, because as we know, the anarchists did not make a very good family, while Simon and Hugh were great parents.

I knew that Ace would be the "suck it up" type, wile Simon and Hugh would be helpful and nurturing, and able to empathize with Adrian.

I truly believe Ace was a sociopath. He had no feelings, and when he acted all sweet to Nova after he found her, it was just that: acting. Simon and Hugh are warm and loving. They're not sociopaths.

Anyway, I have a few more ideas that I am currently in the midst of writing, and I have a feeling you'll like them, so stay tuned.

And please answer my poll at the beginning of the story.

Until next time, keep reading!

Renegades One Shots (Nodrian, Osby, and Random)Where stories live. Discover now