Discontinuing ( must read )

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Alright hear me out HEAR ME OUT

After a few hours of thinking I have decided that I will discontinue this story ( I will leave it up if anyone wants to read it )


I plan on making a one-shot book. Now I'm not sure whether I will do just a Marvel one-shot book or a multi fandom one-shot book. But I know for a fact I will include a chapter or more chapters similar to my two stories An Irondad and Spiderson story and Superfamily!

I wanted to at least give somewhat of an explanation as to why I will be discontinuing these two stories so here it is. I suppose I was going through really bad writers block and was starting to feel uninspired. I also was stressed out because of family and school issues so I didn't really go on wattpad unless I was reading a story. I also completely forgot about updating these two stories xDDDD.

Sorry the inconvenience and if you have any ideas for my one-shot book ( whether its about making it JUST a marvel fanfic or just any ideas on one shot au's ) let me now in the comments.

Bye bye now

p.s i did not proof read this bcuz I'm stupid

A Irondad And Spiderson Story Discontinued!Where stories live. Discover now