First Steps Into A Bigger World

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Ripper's POV

After my escape from the lockwood mansion i headed out in the woods my wounds are still bleeding although my health hasn't nearly gone back to the way it used to be i still trek forward

I felt strange out here i really dont know what to expect because i've never been outside the lockwood mansion like this the closest i could get out of there was during my rampage that nearly took my life

At this point i began to question myself "should i keep going? Or do i just let death take its toll on me?" i asked myself i wondered if i would even get my revenge on anybody but i still believed i would

As i marched on i began to feel strange like someone or something is watching me i turn around and there was nothing there maybe i was just paranoid or something

I still walked further and as i did so i felt my body slowly healing from my injuries although slow it was helping me by a lot in fact i started to walk a little faster now but i still wasn't fit to run as my body was still healing as i walked forward i began to hear voices

"you think we'll get a big one today?" a man said holding a gun "who knows maybe if we're lucky we might catch a dear today or something" another man said

These were hunters i could tell because both of them had guns and knives i hid behind the bushes so they wouldn't find me i know im bullet proof but considering i still have two massive holes that stuck out from my side i wasn't sure if i would survive a single bullet

"you hear something?" one of them said as they looked all over the place at this point i clenched my claws preparing to strike if they get too close i crouched on the ground as one of them got closer to the bush i was hiding

My eyes were locked onto their target as the man closed in on my position suddenly as the man tried to clear the bushes away i bit his arm clean off as he screamed backing away

"WHAT THE...?" the man behind said
"are you gonna stand there?! Help me up!" the man said as he slowly dragged himself "alright! alright!" the other man said as he pulled his ally to him

"w-what the hell was that?" the man asked "i dont know but we better get out of here" the other one said as they got into their truck but just before they left i rammed the truck they were in and knocked it sideways
"hey! You alright?" asked the other man "you think this is alright?!" the man with a severed arm said as i slowly made my way over to them and i roared at the side of the truck one of them tried to shoot me but i dodged it and i grabbed his gun and yanked it from his arm after that i used my claws to dig into his flesh he screamed in agony as i tore apart his insides the other man with the severed arm could only watch as i dragged his friend outside and devoured him it was only a matter of time till i ate him as well he tried to get out of the truck but everytime he thinks he's getting somewhere i roared at him and he would just back away

I enjoyed this

Seeing humans suffer

I've always wanted to see this up close sure i may have eaten people at the mansion but i've never felt so much joy in torturing a human this way

The ball of fire went down on the sky as the sky turned from orange to black the man had no escape now or so i thought as i was too busy eating his friend he dragged himself out somehow and began running he thought he had won but boy was he wrong

I jumped in front of him and slashed my claws into his legs he fell to the ground as i roared victoriously after that i stared him down and then.....

"what in the hell are you?" he asked me as i hissed and smirked at him i bit his neck and tore it from his body i roared again after that i laughed

"why was i holding back this entire time?" i asked myself "i could have just tore into the flesh of that raptor but the limited space in that room didn't let me do that if only i wasn't distracted by that human she would have been the one to end up in those horns" i said as i fed on the man's body after that i slept again but this time i actually had time to sleep since i hid in the bushes again


I was in a laboratory of some sorts and i heard a loud growl as two yellow eyes stared at me i can feel the massive steps of the creature as it ran towards me i ran for my life hoping to get away but it lead me to a dead end i turned around to see a big predator with a face i could only describe as horrifying "i'd always knew you would come back" the creature said in a voice i am all too familiar with

Wu's voice

"you were a mistake i made and now im going to put an end to you" he said as he got closer "SAY GOODBYE RIPPER!" he screamed as he chomped on my neck

"WAKE UP!" i screamed as i woke up in the bushes once more i sighed in relief it was just a nightmare

What was that thing? Why was it after me? But probably the strangest part of it all is why did it have wu's voice?

I shook my head as i got up and started walking once more the holes that were once there had been healing for a while and i was getting better as well

I sniffed the air hoping to at least find something to eat and then i smelled something

It was faint but i smelled water

I rushed over to it as i can smell it clearer now and then i find a pond i went to it and drank the water i haven't had the chance to drink ever since i escaped as i finished drinking i saw something

It was my face it reflected in the water as i could finally see what i looked like i was shocked to see myself i never expected myself to look so terrifying my face was covered in black scales my eyes were amber colored and i had crooked teeth

"who am i?" i asked myself for the first time seeing what i truly was

A monster

An abomination

I shrugged it off and headed away although the nightmare i had last night still plays in my mind and i am left to wonder what was that creature? What did it want from me?


Author's notes: yo my guys and gals its ya boi eva star and today i wanted to make something unique and by the way that creature ripper saw in his nightmare might just make an actual appearance later on and believe me you'll be surprised at what it was
See ya next time guys!

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