Chapter 15 - I'm Not Jealous

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“Are you okay?” Edgar asks me while we are walking to the exit of the concert stage. The performance has ended and we’re all exhausted, although I don’t complain about it because it’s actually fulfilling. It’s already twenty minutes to eleven in the evening.

“Why are you asking me as if all the problems of the world are concentrated on me?” I ask him. Ever since John and Lucy confessed that they’re dating earlier, Edgar has been acting strange. He has that weird and awkward look in his dark eyes.

“I’m just curious. You just found out that John and Lucy are dating.” He says, lowly this time so that the others won’t hear it. The couple we’re talking about is just walks ahead of us, and Bella is busy talking to Peter—I didn’t even know that they’re quite close! We’re all together actually. Peter and his management promise to treat us victory dinner at the famous French restaurant. Well, how can I resist foods?

“And so?” I irk a brow. What’s wrong with Edgar tonight?

“You’re not jealous?” He asks. When I didn’t reply, Edgar saunters forward to block my way. “Or hurt?”

“Seriously, why are you asking such question? And why are you blocking my way?”

“Oh, I’m sorry.” He gasps, and then he goes back to my side.  “Didn’t you like John?”

This time, I turn to look at him. I feel so stupid at his question. I’m glad he said it quietly, I’m sure no one heard it except me. “Did I ever say I like him?”

“You didn’t. But you’re so obvious to deduce.”

“Then your deductions are wrong. Please stop deducing me. You won’t get anywhere.” I reply, I’m almost getting pissed but, I couldn’t show it to him when he’s just worried about me. “I don’t want to talk about it especially tonight.”

“So you’re still affected I guess.” He mutters and I feel like my stares go blank. I proceeded to walk and left him alone. I feel like I don’t want to talk to Edgar tonight. Not when he’s like that, talking about John and all. Can’t we just talk about the performance and how well it went?

We enter Peter’s white van. When Edgar sits next to me I’m still silent. We didn’t talk until we arrived at the French restaurant. I hope Bella didn’t notice how awkward we were to each other.

The last time I never wanted to talk to Edgar, we’re still not close.

It’s a different story now.


Our foods arrived and Peter stands up, clapping his hands merrily as he says, “Congratulations to all of us! The mini concert’s a success because of your cooperation! I owe you all.”

We all clap and the manager, Mr. Gamboa, takes over the floor to make his short speech of thank you’s and acknowledgment. He even calls the attention of Edgar and encourages him to stand up to officially introduce him to Peter’s team. Some others don’t know that they’re brothers until the concert earlier.

I didn’t sit next to Edgar. I’m sitting in between of Bella and Peter. And because Bella’s a smart girl, she finally notices the tension between me and Edgar, she whispers to my ears, “What’s wrong with the two of you? You’ve been silent since earlier.”

“We’re just thinking deeply.” I reply.

“Did he say something wrong?”

“He didn’t. But I feel like he’s been invading my thoughts and that I have no privacy at all.” I honestly say. I see the blinking of Bella’s eyes. Quite surprised of what I said.

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