A Typical Japanese Morning

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"Good morning, everyone," Kiku greeted us as we entered the living room one by one.

"A very good morning to you too," Arthur greeted back.
"A great morning to all!!" Alfred shouted.
"Bonne matinée~ Or maybe I should say good morning, beautiful people," Francis danced his way in.

Meanwhile, I mustered all my courage and uttered. "O‐Ohayogozaimasu..."

Kiku turned to me in astonishment. The others looked at me, confused. "Uh, what was that, bella?" Lovino asked.

"Umm, it means 'good morning' in Japanese. I thought since we're in Japan right now, why don't we behave like normal Japanese people here, so..."

I looked down in embarrassment, expecting everyone to laugh at me now.

"That's a great idea, (Y/n)!"

I looked up to see everyone smiling at me. The others turned to Kiku and bowed.


However, they miserably failed. I giggled at their silly attempt in pronunciation. Kiku smiled and bowed in return. "Ohayogozaimasu, min'na‐san. Kyou wa ii tenki ne? Watashi wa ‐"

We stared at him as his words flew over our heads. Suddenly realizing his mistake, he apologized. "I'm sorry. I got carried away."

"I‐It's alright," Alfred nervously laughed.

Kiku smiled. "I have arranged breakfast for you all. Please begin."

We looked over at the food arranged on the low table. I recognized most of them from the animes I used to watch. Along with rice and miso soup, there were many other dieshes as well.

We sat at the table to dig in.

"Uh...Japan? How do we use these things again?" Alfred asked, pointing at the chopsticks.
Kiku sighed. "These are chopsticks, Mr. America."
"Yeah, sorry! Nahahahaha!"

"I have arranged spoons and forks for those who can't use chopsticks," Kiku said.
"Now that's goo‐ JAPAN!!" Ludwig cried out.
Kiku looked over at him, startled. "W‐What is the matter, Mr. Germany?"
"Explain this!!"

Ludwig pointed at a fish dish which I think was salted salmon.

"Didn't I tell you not to eat this?!" Ludwig yelled.
"I‐I‐I..." Kiku stammered.
"This isn't good for your health!!"
"I‐I truly apologize for that..."

Feliciano chimed in. "Ve~ Calm down, Germany. Let Japan have it for today," he backed up his friend.
Ludwig let out a sigh. "Okay, but just for today."

Everything got settled and we digged in. Kiku, Yao and I used chopsticks because we knew how to use them, while the others used forks.

Alfred completed two bowls of rice within few minutes while Arthur struggled with his sticky nato beans.

"That's why I never liked this stuff," he grumbled.

Ivan sipped his green tea and mumbled, smiling. "If only there was green‐tea flavoured vodka, da."

I looked at everyone eating together like this. Even though we ate together at the Hetalia Mansion everyday, today was different. We were in a different place, yet together. Nothing could make me happier than this.

"You seem happy today, aru," Yao noticed me smiling.
"Yes. After all, everyone is finally together again," I gave him my brightest smile.

I saw Yao's cheeks turning a bright shade of red. He averted his eyes and nodded with a small smile.

Was he blushing??

Somehow, I felt my own face heaten up. I looked away and continued my breakfast.

Pochi came up to me and sat down. I stroke his head lightly.

"Oh, look! Who we have here!" Arthur exclaimed, excited.
"Isn't he cute?" I said while petting Pochi.
"Actually, I meant her!"

Arthur pointed towards the open sliding‐door. We looked at that way but found no one there.

"Who is it, England?" Antonio asked.
"Can't you see? It's that little girl who lives here," he answered.

Kiku sighed. "For the last time, Mr. England. I live here alone."

The Englishman didn't pay attention to him and started a conversation with this invisible 'little girl'. Meanwhile, Lovino took tomatoes out of Antonio's plate and ate them, leaving Antonio teary‐eyed.

"Romano, please spare some tomatoes for me," he whined.
"Not a chance, you bastard," Lovino put another piece of tomato in his mouth.

I giggled.

Feliciano looked out into the backyard. "Ve~ It's such a good day, isn't it?"
We followed his gaze and looked out. "It sure is."

"During this time of the year, the Cherry Blossoms are in full bloom. People gather in Cherry Blossom forests for flower‐viewing," Kiku said. All of a sudden, his face lit up. He turned to us.

"Would you all like to go for flower‐viewing?" he asked.

A big smile crossed our faces as we nodded in agreement. Alfred stood up from the table and cheered. "Let's go! Flower‐viewing!"

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