Chapter 2-New people and entering the League

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In a street

???'s PoV:

???: "Honey, wanna go grab something to eat?" I said putting my attention towards him "It's not that I'm not happy here but I'm starting to be hungry." He then looked at me with a questionning gaze.

???2: "Anything in mind? Ooh Ooh! Wait let me guess. I bet you waaaaaant..." He said putting his hand on his forehead and  looking directly at my eyes, trying to read my mind. "I know! You want aaaaaaaa Pizza!" at that answer I laughed a little and elbowed him lightly.

???: "Nice try Mister 'I can read minds easily' but nope, I want an ice cream." He looked down in deception making me laugh once again. "Awww don't worry babe, I'm sure  you'll get it next time." I said trying to make him feel better and it appears it worked because he stood up straight with a smile.

???2: "You're right! I will know what do you want to eat for dinner tonight! And no one will stop the Magnificent Rakan from his quest!" He said starting to make a scene but then went back to normal. "But anyway, let's go get ice cream, I heard there is this new ice cream shop that opened with the start of the new season and people just keep saying they are doing the best ice cream in whole Runterra."

???: "Urgh... The new season, I almost forgot...I'm really starting to hate this place. Everytime it's always the same thing. Get separated with you. Being with other people I don't want to live with. And my summoner is always a fucking racist that don't even know how to walk properly without someone helping him."

Rakan: "Do I need to remind you that you were the one to hurt him so he couldn't walk?" I then put a smile and closed my eyes, making him sweat a little.

???: "I don't know what you are talking about?"

Rakan: "Sure you don't...."

I then grabbed his arm, startling him a little and we then walked towards this new ice cream shop. One of the few good thing in the League that I can't really argue with is the shops and the look of the city. Unlike other cities like Piltover with those rich people giving you the worst looks ever or Noxus where you could literally die just by walking in a random street, this one was pretty great, where I could sometimes relax myself in no time. But the forest is still my favorite place so far.

As we continued to walk and talking with eachother, with Rakan almost screaming at why ice cream could give you a brain freeze, making him scared of eating it too fast, someone ran into me, making me almost fall if it was not thanks to Rakan who caught me. I stood up, turned around to look at this random person, pretty pissed.

???: "Hey! Watch where you're going! Can't you see properly with this hood on?!" Now that I looked closely, I couldn't even see his face, nor his hands because he was wearing black gloves. He quickly went infront of me, one of his hand behind his head, probably showing he was hurt near the head...good.

Hooded guy: "Oh I'm so sorry for running into you, I hope I didn't hurt anything. Are you two okay?"

Rakan: "Well Ye-"

???: "Yes we are fine, but clearly not thanks to you. Did you ran into us just because we're Vastayans?" To justify myself for being so harsh, I already met those kind of people, making looks like it's an accident just so they can walk on us.

Hooded guy: "What? Of course not! I was just being late and so I was in a hurry. How could you think I would do such a horrible thing just because you're a vastayan" He said pretending to sounds like I hurt him with my words, as he was thinking it was probably some sort of a joke. I'm really starting to not like this guy. "Anyway, once again I really hope you're okay and, as a answer to make up with each other, perhaps we could be friend?" He said, offering a hand that I quickly smacked away.

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