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Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

╔═══━━━─── • ───━━━═══╗

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

╔═══━━━─── • ───━━━═══╗

I locked my heart tight against
The wounds that were part of everyday
And held on all alone

That was when I met you, the warmth
And the gentle touch that soothed me through the cracks

You are the gravity that steadied me
The strength that pulled me away from my wandering
The days of loneliness are gone
And I've finally found the right place
Hold me tighter
You are the gravity that steadied me


╚═══━━━─── • ───━━━═══╝

Realizing that he's in love in a Maji Burger joint in Tokyo, surrounded by the Miracles' loud personalities is not what Seijurou had envisioned for a moment that put everything into perspective.

Still, he figures he can't really complain about the surge of overwhelming warmth and affection for not just his girlfriend, but his colorful friends as well, who have gathered once again on occasion of Aomine's birthday.

They're lucky it's a weekend, and that Seijurou and (Name) had been in Tokyo for her cousin's marriage the next day and thus available for the last minute get-together at Maji Burger. Although Murasakibara couldn't make it since Yosen High has yet to wrap up their training camp.

Resting his chin on his hand, he smiles to himself, watching (Name) struggle to contain her laughter as she indulges an over-excited Kise by listening to whatever story he's animatedly telling her.

Apparently, Kise regularly keeps in contact with '(Name)-cchi' via texting and she has quickly become one of his favorite people because there are only so many out there who are so willing to entertain the blond's excitable personality when he isn't putting up his suave public persona.

Contrary to popular belief, Seijurou doesn't mind his former teammates' friendliness with his significant other. He knows none of them would try to make a move on her in their right minds, and he trusts (Name) enough to be secure in the knowledge that she is completely devoted to their relationship.

And he'll never admit it out loud, but Kise may have made a comment to Kuroko about how if the redhead is the dad the group, it makes (Name) their mom, and Seijurou suddenly finds it within himself to let Kise have her attention for now.

(He ignores Kuroko's bland remark of Midorima getting divorced and replaced because the phantom player isn't usually a problem child, so Seijurou will let it slide this once.)

"Akashi-kun is rather fond of (Surname)-san, isn't he?" Kuroko asks, barely pausing in idly sipping at his extra large milkshake.

Momoi overhears from the blue-haired boy's other side and scoots closer to join in. "I think it's cute, Akashi-kun! I'm glad you've found someone who makes you happy."

Nodding at the girl, he shoots her a small smile. "Thank you, Momoi. And, yes, Kuroko, I am very much enamored by (Name)."

His bluntness when it comes to saying like that has always been a point of embarrassment for his team who can't seem to fathom how Seijurou can be so frank when it comes to being with his girlfriend.

They don't understand that their relationship is one of the best things that has ever happened to him. He's proud of (Name) and of being romantically linked with her, and he wants the world to know.

Seijurou's honesty has Momoi squealing and clasping her hands together. "That's so sweet, isn't it, Tetsu-kun?" she turns to the boy beside her, practically sparkling, much to Seijurou's amusement.

Blinking, Kuroko nods. "Akashi-kun has become truly domestic, it seems."

"Love will do that to you." Seijurou shrugs.

A hint of a smile crosses Kuroko's face and he manages to look knowing even with the lack of any major or discernible expressions on his face. "It's a good look for you, Akashi-kun," the boy says simply, returning to finishing the last of his milkshake.

"Seijurou," (Name) calls for his attention from across the table, "we should go. It's going to be a long day tomorrow with the main ceremony."

He nods at her, standing up and waiting for her to shuffle out and over to his side before turning to his former team. "We'll see you later," he says, smiling and raising a hand in goodbye while the other slips into (Name)'s, fingers intertwining effortlessly.

"Bye," she adds for herself. "And happy birthday again, Aomine-kun."

They receive scattered replies before they turn their backs to the group and make for the exit. It isn't an overly long walk back to the hotel the (Surnames) have booked for their guests to the wedding, and Seijurou wouldn't mind even if it were because it's just more time spent in (Name)'s company.

He waits until they've reached a place where the crowds are thinner to pull her a little bit closer, smiling when she raises her brows at him slightly.

There's no nervousness. He feels calm-- just as he always does with her. There is a sense of belonging with her, like this has always been where he was going to end up. Like there is nowhere else he's meant to be.

"You look distracted," she comments, tucking her other hand into the pocket of her jumpsuit.

Seijurou hums. "Do I? I was just thinking."

"Anything you'd like to share?"

He pauses, tugging her to stop as well and face him. There's no one else on the bridge with them, so he takes his chance and leans over to softly kiss her, lingering for a moment because he knows it makes her breathless.

"I love you."

It's such a simple phrase, really. Saying it is as easy as breathing, and he thinks that might've been the purpose. So it could be slipped in between their everydays like a gentle reminder. It's almost funny how much weight just three simple words can bear.

And they mean the world to him as well. Seijurou didn't grow up with the luxury of hearing an 'I love you' everyday. The absence only became more prominent following the death of his mother. It's an important realization for him-- he has someone to love and be loved by now. Everyday. For as long as she'll let him love her.

(Name)'s eyes widen, wide grin lighting up her face. Before he can even process it, she's kissing him again, arm hooked around his neck and mouths colliding haphazardly. She's laughing into the kiss and he can't help his own smile.

"I love you too," she murmurs against his mouth, the taste of her smile on his lips and the golden, honey warmth in his blood that makes him feel truly invincible.

She might not even realize but he owes so much to her. It's because of her that he was able to get back on his feet so quickly after Rakuzan's loss to Seirin. She gave him something solid to hold onto and showed him everyday that Seijurou is deserving of all the love he hasn't been shown for so long.

(Name) is his salvation and his light. She steadies him when he begins to waver and gives him strength without making feel weak. She is his gravity.

She's the one he wants to have a forever with.

𝓮𝓪𝓼𝓮 | 𝘢𝘬𝘢𝘴𝘩𝘪 𝘴𝘦𝘪𝘫𝘶𝘳𝘰𝘶Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ