I like you

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Chloe's PoV
It's been a few months since my performance. I gained thousands of fans. It's crazy!
"Chloe! Come see this!" Luka exclaims as everyone crowds around him to see a video on his phone.
I smile, "ok!"
I slide next to him and I realise how close we are. Damn he's so hot. Just really. Good looking. And sweet. Damn, I have a crush on him.

Blushing, I whisper, "what is it?""This!""Welcome back to Music Daily! Every session, we discuss upcoming music artists! Now Ciara, who do we have today?""Well Mathieu, you know the Mayor of Paris?""Why yes, Mayor Bourgeois!""Yes, well, his daught...

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Blushing, I whisper, "what is it?"
"Welcome back to Music Daily! Every session, we discuss upcoming music artists! Now Ciara, who do we have today?"
"Well Mathieu, you know the Mayor of Paris?"
"Why yes, Mayor Bourgeois!"
"Yes, well, his daughter, Chloe Bourgeois has over 1 million fans on her YouTube channel Chloe Bourgeois!"
"Oh of course! That performance of hers went viral in Paris!"

At that moment, my performance of Painkiller with Kitty Section is played.
"Chloe! They're playing your performance!"
I nod breathlessly as Sabrina hugs me.
"Ummm...I'm, gonna go to the loo..."
I stand up and run off to the loo.

I don't want to be famous. I don't want all my bad things to be brought up again. I just want to stay as I am now. I don't deserve to be famous. What if it gets to my head? I can't handle this-

I turn as I'm about to head in and see Luka.
"Are you ok?"
"Yeah. I'm fine."
As I'm about to walk in to the bathroom, he grabs my hand and pulls me in.
"What are you-"
"Don't think I didn't notice that face you made. You're scared. You're scared of becoming your old self again, aren't you?"
I blush, "w-what..."
"Come on, instead of running and hiding-"
"No! How could you tell? Could everyone else tell?"
"I'm not finished! Let me talk!"
"I could tell...it doesn't matter how or why..."
He looks at me and then leans forward.
"I'm so scared Luka," I cry as he hugs me.
"It's ok...I'm here..."
We stay like that for a bit. He's so warm.
"Luka...I'm sorry. I'm a wreck."
He shakes his head and pulls me in tighter.

"Listen to me...you've changed so much. I used to hate you. You bullied Juleka,Marinette and all of their friends. But I can tell that you're different. You really want to change for the best and you're getting there. I used to hate you..."
"Hah, thanks..."
"Hey, I'm not done, I used to hate you...but now," he lifts my head up, "I love you."
Nervously, I push him away, "th-this is a trick right? A joke? Y-you're not serious are you?"
He confusedly laughs, "ummm, I don't know, do you want it to be a joke?"
"...I don't know..." I say shyly, "I need time..."
"How long do you need? I've been feeling this way since the Spring Concert. It's September now. 5 months I've been waiting. Hoping you felt the same way that I do..."
I anxiously take his hand, "Luka I, I only just started feeling this way. I'm sorry but I need some time to know if my feelings are real or not."
Luka's face was heartbreaking.
"Give me a month, maximum. Maximum a month..."
I cup his face, "I won't make you wait any longer. I promise..."
His eyes glisten slightly, "2 weeks."
I giggle as he smirks.
"3 weeks."
"No no, if I give you 3 weeks I may as well give you a whole month."
Giggling, I peck his cheek, "2 weeks then..."
He punches the air, "yes!"
The bell rings and he sighs, "I should go..."
"I have an audition!" He chuckles as I jump up.
"No way! Is it-"
Ahhh, those words. My dream is to be in the same company as Luka.
"Good luck!"
He smiles, "if I get in, I find out in 2 weeks. The same day that I expect my answer from you..."
I roll my eyes, "whatever, what if I say no."
"You wouldn't do that to me, would you?"
I laugh, "just go, go!"
He bows and then runs out of school.

Walking into class dreamily, I sit down happily in my seat.
Now that I have some time, let's arrange how you feel Chloe. Is this admiration or love. What's the difference?
"CHLOE!" A voice suddenly exclaims.
"Ah, yes Miss Mendeleiv?"
"I was calling the register," she firmly says, "get out of your daydream!"
"Yes miss!"

At the end of the day, I head home. Just then, my phone rings.
Luka 💖
"What do you want?"
"Why good afternoon to you too!"
"Haha, good afternoon...how did it go?"
"Good? Maybe? I...had to sing though..."
"YOU SANG?!" I squeal, "no fair, I really want to hear you sing!"
Laughing, he says, "maybe one day bee."
I smile, "what should I save as your nickname on my phone?"
"Hmmm, I dunno...I saved yours as a bee with a yellow heart and a bee."
Giggling, I say, "maybe I'll save yours as..."
He's cuddly, like a teddy bear.
"O-or not..."
"No! No! It's cute. Go ahead. I'm your Lukabear, hmm?"
Blushing, I roll my eyes, "yeah, sure."
He chuckles, "well, I've got to go. I'll see you tomorrow."
"You might not."
"Oh, I will."
I giggle, "ok, bye."
Once I hang up, I blush a deep red.

Arriving home in a happy mood, I skip to my room.
"Oh, hey mom, what's up?"
"Cleo, you know what's up. You're famous darling, famous!"
A frown develops on my face.
"Is that the only thing that needs to happen for you to talk to me? I need to become famous?"
"Claudine, what are you talking about?-"
"LISTEN TO YOURSELF MOM. You can't even get my name right. It's Chloe. CHLO-E. Its such a basic name! Such a common name!"
Mom rolls her eyes, "ugh, Chloe, Cleo, toma(y)to tomato! Anyways, your famous so I was talking to some of my friends in the music industry and was able to convince them to get you on their morning sho-"
Mom laughs, "what?"
"No? Oh," she says in an offended tone.
I walk away from her and she groans, "so what are you gonna do-"
"I'm going to make it on my own!" I exclaim as I slam the door behind me. Falling to my knees, I groan.
I'm going to do this by myself. I'm going to do this without any of my parents' social status getting in the way.
Author note: hi! So I changed what Luka saved Chloe's name as from Bee💖 to Bee🤍🐝! Credits to @saharandreams @moonbow- @Sournois_Official
Thanks guys! ❤️

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