I gasp when cold fingers wrap around the ankle of my right foot. I stomp on the hand over and over again immediately with my other foot.

"You prick!" A man's voice growls out.

"Next time choose your victims wisel—," I growl back to the darkness. But that's when a hard strike to the back of my neck forces me to shut up and fall down to the wet earth.


"A deal?" I hear Theo's voice growl out from a distance as if it was the most nonsense thing he's ever heard.

"A deal," says another man in a resolute manner.

"Then talk."

A rogue pushes me into the clearing just outside the borders of the territory. The moonlight was the only source of light.

"A fourth of your territory in exchange for 1 of your loyal pack members," the man says, pride in his voice.

"Do you really think I'd fall for such a lousy de—," Theo says. When my face comes into view, his smirk drops and his voice falters.

"Hi," I greet him, trying to calm him down with a smile and a small wave.

The man who was previously exchanging words with Theo grabs me. He wraps an arm around my neck to keep me in place. Theo eyes this movement and lets out a threatening growl.

I let out a shaky breath as I look up, the height difference prominent. This guy is a giant!

"Not so lousy anymore, am I right, Alpha?" The bald giant mocks.

"Not as lousy as your lack of bravery," Theo mocks back. "It was blood for blood and nothing else. What happened to you? Scared?"

My captor releases an ugly chortle before continuing, "I don't think those measly traps you made will help you prove we're cowards, Alpha."

"Traps?" Theo says, feigning innocence.

"You really think I won't found out?" The man growls.

"Find out about what?" Theo question and hums.

The man takes in a deep breath, as if annoyed. He says, "The traps you have shamelessly placed."

"How would I have known there are traps, Leomord?" Theo questions, a smirk dancing on his lips.

"At least 8 traps and all of them are badly placed. A blind man could easily sense them," the man called Leomord says. The corners of his lips twitches on an attempt to hold back another growl.

"Hmmm. Prove it then," Theo retorts, testing Leomord's patience. The lopsided smile on his face made his vexation even worse.

His grip on me tightens as his anger increased. He was fuming mad and his glare was enough to kill a person. Theo only tilts his head and smiles at him in a taunting manner.

I purse my lips in an attempt to save my life.

Don't laugh.

Don't laugh.

Don't laugh.

You're still mad at him.

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