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Richelle POV
Today, today is the day I have the audition of a life time for a dance company. The company is going to tour the world and that is my dream but the problem with that is that if I did get the job then I would have to leave the next step and I honestly think it's my time to go but I don't know
Start of the Audition
As I walk into the Audition I see a familiar face...OZZY what is he doing here. I haven't told anyone about me coming here and I guess he hasn't either. Your probably wondering Richelle why do you care so much about him auditioning too, the reason I am making a big deal about him being here is because I may have a little crush on him...but it's just little nothing major...well at least I hope not.
Ozzy POV
I am stretching and getting ready for the audition when I see RICHELLE...she looks so beautiful...Ozzy snap out of it your here to audition not to talk to Richelle. Yes I have a massive crush on Richelle and yes lately things have been a little flirty but I am focused on this audition and I need to ace it and hopefully she will get in to and maybe just maybe I'll build up the courage to ask her out.
During the audition
I think I am doing pretty well and so is Richelle...not that I'm starring at her or anything. She is such a good dancer she will definitely get in I just hope I will so you know I can spend more time with her.
The list just got posted
Richelle POV
OMG I got in, and so did Ozzy I am so happy. But I guess that means that both of us will have to quit the next step. That's for us to worry about another time but for now I am so happy that he and I both got in.
Ozzy POV
Yay both of us got into the company and we get to go touring, together. Although we both have to quit the next step it is worth it.
They both leave the studio and bump into each other outside
"Oh I'm so sorry Richelle are you ok"
"Yeah I'm fine thanks" Richelle says smiling whilst I get lost in her eyes
"Well done on making it in" I say breaking the not so awkward silence
"Yeah you too"
"Hey Richelle" I say as she is about to leave. Maybe just maybe that silence just then is a sign for me to ask her out.
"Wanna get something for dinner sometime" I ask really nervous for her reaction
"Like a date?" She says smirking
"Yes" Richelle says happily then kissing my cheek and leaving me speechless. Richelle the Richelle just kissed me on the cheek it is the best day of my life

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2020 ⏰

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