Chapter 1: Party Pooper

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“Jennifer Martinez!"

My crazy best friend yelled from downstairs. I quickly took my brown shoulder bag and headed to where she was. I knew that if I was a minute late now, she would come up and drag me down. No matter how crazy and annoying she is, I would always love her. Me and her have been best friends.. correction* sisters since freshman year. She moved here from Florida, and we clicked in less than 20 minutes of talking. She was very shy at first but the more we got to know each other, the obnoxious she got xD

“I'm coming!!" I said as I was running down the stairs. I almost fell down with the black 5 in heels she made me wear. I wore a strapless black dress, and I left my brown hair the way it was. Loose curls, just the way I like it.

Right when I saw Nicole, my mouth fell open and I can swear it touched the floor. I kept staring at her and she came up to me. She closed my mouth shut before my jaw came off.

  There stood my best friend, looking stunning in her purple and black dress and her hair nicely done. She was always very fashionable. I wasn't into all that stuff, but she made me. My favorite color is black, it matches with everything and I find the color very elegant. While white reveals, black conceals.

“Come on, we're gonna be late," said Nicole's brother, Jake who was our ride for today. Me and Nicole both are seniors, but let's just say, our parents don't want us to drive yet because they don't trust us. I mean they are right.. xD

At the same time, me and Nicky said “We have to be fashionably late!" With that, I gave her a high five and we both laughed hysterically.

Jake muttered something like Gosh, I hate girls.

Of course, Nicky who loves teasing her brother went up to him and sarcastically blurted out, “Don't tell us you're gay. Because then you should take down the posters of girls from your bedroom and Jen and I can find so many boys for-" Jake cut her off before she could say anything stupid about setting him up with someone. I couldn't help but laugh. My cheeks started hurting after.

“If you say one more thing, I won't give you two a ride. You can stay home and not go to the party."

Me and Nicky both finally shut up and walked out together, still smirking at each other. Jake got in the front seat with her. I sat in the back, and checked my phone while Jake started the car.

One thing I don't like about Jake's driving is his speeding. He always drives fast, and this is why I always sit in the back. Not because I would rather let Nicky die (knock on wood) than me, but because whenever I used to sit in the front, I would always scream something in the lines of: “SLOW DOWN. WE'RE REALLY NOT IN A HURRY. JAKEEE, DO YOU WANT TO KILL US?" He made me sit in the back seat and told me to always sit there whenever he drove because his ears couldn't take my yelling and screaming anymore. I smiled as I thought about the moment. NO! Don't think I like Jake, he's like my older brother. He always takes care of me, just how he does to Nicky. He's not overprotective, he's the cool type. He has hazel eyes and black hair, he's quite smart and super tall. He has a girlfriend named Sarah, she's a blonde with blue eyes and is a cheerleader at our school. She's not like most cheerleaders at our school, she's actually sweet.

I looked out the window.. and holy shit WE WERE GOING SUPER FAST.  I leaned forward to where Jake was sitting. I couldn't help but open my mouth. “Jakey, can you please slow down? You're scaring me," I pleaded to him showing him my puppy eyes. Nicky nodded, agreeing with what I was saying.

“Jen, don't show me those puppy eyes. You guys have been in the car with me plenty of times, calm down. We're not gonna crash."

I let out the breath I was holding from inside and sat back. It was dark outside, but I could still see us “flying" through the road.

It had been ten minutes now and I was still worrying. I was shaking now and I shut my eyes, hoping nothing would happen. I always freak out because a while ago, I got into a car accident with my friend. She was speeding which caused her to crash into the car in front of us. There are just a few dents on her car, but no one got hurt.

Just as I looked down at my phone to check the time, I heard sirens. Police Car Sirens. I turned my head to look out the window and I saw bright red, blue and white lights. I quickly looked at Nicky and she was glaring at Jake. “LOOK WHAT YOU DID, YOU IDIOT!" 

“Oh shit." That was all he said. Wow. Thanks a lot. Now we're gonna be super late for the party, not even fashionably late.

He pulled over to the side, sighing and now the police car was right behind us. The officer came out and started walking over to us.  No one moved. We all stayed in the car and didn't say anything. When he came right next to the car, Jake turned on the light in his car and rolled down the window. Then I heard a very sexy voice saying “Do you know why I pulled you over?"

“Uhm yes, I'm aware that I was speeding a little.."

HA! A little? He was going 100 miles per hour! (sarcasm)

“She's right," said the mysterious cop with the sexy voice. Wait, what? Did I say that out loud?

“Yes, you said that out loud. Now, shut up before you get me into more trouble." Oops. Well, that's what you get for not listening to me in the first place!

“Alright, does everyone have their seat belts on at least?" Even though the interior lights in the car were on, I couldn't see his face. It was so hard for me since I was in the back seat and it was dark outside.

“Yes, I believe s-" The cop cut him off and said “The lady in the back does not. That's a violation."

“What?" I found myself saying. Wait oh shit, he was right. The whole time, I was freaking out about crashing and couldn't even put on my seatbelt? I slapped myself in the head at my stupidity.

“You heard me." The imaginary cop was now a jerk.

“Excuse me?" I don't care who he is, I don't like his attitude and people should know not to mess with me.

Jake- “Jen, can you not say anything right now please?" That shut me up.

I sat back in my seat, loudly sighing.

“I'm going to let you guys go, make sure you don't let this happen again." Yes! God bless you! “...But the young lady in the back has to come with me." WTF.

“I'm sorry, what was that?" I said between coughs.

“You have to come with me."

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