Gruvia- Drought

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It's been 3 years since I lost you. I remember it as if it was yesterday. How enthusiastic you were when I finally agreed to take a job with you, how excited you were to go somewhere together afterwards.. then there are those that I remember but wish I could forget.

I can still hear your screams.. piercing through the otherwise calm day. The birds blew off their branches.. the monsters claw slashing into your side. I remember the look of relief you sent my way as you fell to the ground.. my body rushing to reach you before you hit it's murky surface.

The tears in my eyes hitting your cheeks as they fall freely. I stopped trying to hide them, because I couldn't save you. It hurt then.. it hurts now- your smiling face as you took your last breath still haunts my nightmares, you passed in my arms- and the sky seemed to weep for you as it started to downpour.

I realized my feelings for you that day. It was when I stood in front of your grave, surrounded by our comrades in the guild, that I realized. I was too late to tell you my feelings.. now you'll never know. I remember being held back by Natsu as I screamed- screamed in disbelief. I didn't want to believe that you were gone, even though it was clear that you weren't coming back.

      A year after that it stopped raining. Life started to get back to normal. Our guild mates started to go on jobs again, Natsu started picking fights again, and Mirajane resumed her duties at the guild's bar.

I sat alone in the back of the guild, out of the way, while my mind replayed memories of you like an old slideshow movie. Your name isn't spoken around here very much anymore, and when it is- they give me sorrowful glances.

    I try my best to ignore them, for my sake, and theirs. I haven't went on a job with anyone since the incident, and when I do have to go, I go alone and for long periods of time. I begin to remember every single aspect from that day.

   On your first death anniversary, Gajeel accompanied me to your grave. We didn't speak a word to one another and we grieved at different times- alone. But it was just the feeling of having someone with you who was just as impacted.

     I watched him with my chilly gaze, he tried not to break down since he was aware I was nearby- but I could see it. How his eyes teared up and his hands trembled.. like glass that was just about to shatter into a million pieces. He misses you Juvia, I miss you.

    I now go alone to visit your grave, every year.  Gajeel didn't come this time, but I know that he's struggling. He always gets grumpier than usual during this day. He hasn't blamed me.. nobody has, but I do. I should have been stronger, I shouldn't have let my guard down.. or else you would still be here- with fairy tail, and.. with me.

    My world feels empty without you in it, and I miss every little aspect of you. If I had known that this would happen, I would've savoured those moments. Your quirks, your attempts to give me those little things that I turned down, and the way you shouted "Gray-sama !" every time we were together.

    I miss it.. or rather- I miss you, Juvia. As I kneel in front of the tall stone- a huge water drop engraved above your name- I faintly hear your voice ringing in my ears. Perhaps it's my imagination, perhaps I have finally caved to the pain of missing you.

   I throw a bouquet of roses down upon the ground in front of me. I do it every year- it has become a tradition. It's raining again, Juvia. I'm staring up into the thing that gave you grief during your childhood- allowing myself to immerse in the feeling of it running down my face.

    It brings me back to the time when you told me about your classmates during childhood, and how everyone called the rain that seemed to follow you "gloomy". It makes me mad.. my hands balling into fists at my sides, as I scream into the raging storm of water that's beating down like angered giants.

    It grieves with me- the rain. Grieving for the one that made it whole. The one that gave it meaning. My tears blend in with the raindrops on my face, and for once, I feel at ease. Just me, the rain, and what I have left of you.

     Smiling up at the sky- my eyes red and puffy- I form the fairy tail insignia with my finger.. the one we did in the Fantasia parade. Gazing into the stormy sky I faintly make out a storm cloud- grey in color-  shaped as if it is giving me the same gesture in return.

       I turn around then, a soft smile on my face as I walk back towards the guild.

     "Thank you Juvia, for everything." I whisper to the rain. The wind whips against my back, carrying what seems like a soft voice with it, and as I listen closely I can hear the words, "No Gray, thank you."  whispered back to me.
      You see, the world may carry on as if nothing happened, and the rain may fall every week- but in my world, there will always be a lack of you. An endless drought.


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